Chapter 8

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I'm literally writing this today, so just go with the mistakes Microsoft doesn't notice. Thanks!

The jail alarms blare overhead and my heart is pounding for the adrenaline. I can't think of a better plan as I run out of the nearest office. I swing the key ring around on my finger as I run back to Lo's cell.

I fumble with the keys, shoving them in one at a time into the lock. Almost all of them are rejected, except for the last one. It's always the last one that works in these situations.

A single gunshot sends memories flying through my mind. The government in our house. Jumping onto the shed behind that manor. I feel bile rising in my throat as the final key unlocks the cell.

Hundreds of gunshots are heard as Lo and I run for our lives. The dusty yard of the jail causes my feet to sleep more than once. Lo is having the same problem as me.

I feel my heart skip a beat when I see the two guards from the front gate pointing their guns at us. I heave a large sigh and whip my hand gun out for the back of my pants. I take quick aim as we run towards them.

I pull the trigger. And everything seems to stop.

Emas and Casper run towards the dead guards and strip them of their guns and ammo. The boys run towards us quickly. As they protect us, Casper hands me the hand gun he had with him.

I want to frown at the pain shooting through my wrists as I pull the triggers, taking other guards out, but it's the least of my worries at the moment.

Lo trips on a stray rock, tumbling to the ground. I shove one gun in my belt as I hoist her up and pull on her hand, making her continue to run.

Her cold fingers shake as her bare feet make contact with the dusty ground. I give her a single smile as I let go of her hand and pull the hand gun from my belt.

I take aim once again, shooting a guard a few times in the chest. I know I'll regret my actions later, but I know these measures need to be taken. The frown on my face as I kill guards is still visible though.

Casper and Emas run ahead out the gate and shoot any guards waiting for us. The search lights follow us as we leave the jail yard.

I tumble to the ground, jagged rocks and broken glass digging into my arms and legs. That pain is something I don't notice. I do notice whoever the bullet that lodged itself in my calf. I cry out a single wail as I pull myself back to my feet.

The pain races up my leg, but stays in that region luckily. The wound makes it harder to run, but it doesn't slow me down any.

I lost the other three when I fell, so I run faster than before in hopes of finding them. Already that task proves impossible.

The darkness of the night proves to act as cover for them as they run some where’s on the horizon. They've probably noticed my absence, but know it's more important Lo survives this, not me. My life doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is that Emas and Casper both stay alive. I left a recording of the following steps in the safe house we decided on before rescuing Lo. Sadly, I don't even know my way to the safe house from here. I don't even know where I'm currently standing.

The helicopter above roars in my ears as I fall once again to my knees. I'm unable to accept defeat and rise one last time. I know I'm as good as dead. It's possible I'll be kept as a hostage or will be interrogated for what I know about this rebellion.

Luckily and unluckily for me, I know nothing other than what I've put in motion. That information can either have me dead or give me a round of applause.

My eyes move towards the form climbing down a ladder from the helicopter. I watch as they near the ground, jumping the last few feet.

Eyes as cold as ice stare down at my helpless form. I know this man will kill me. When and how are my only questions.

"Are you Fran?" he asks in a deep, frightening voice.

"Yes sir, I am. If you want to know what Fran I am, then I am the Fran that is a part of the rebellion and just helped to break out the last president from jail," I reply proudly. I am proud with those facts. I've completed all I had to, but not all I wanted to.

I want to see children growing up with freedom and adults regaining the urge to reproduce. I want a family of my own one day. Which I know will never happen because of this man standing in front of me.

"You are?" I ask lightly, my own glare burning holes through the man.

"You don't know me? Well, you must not watch the news much. I'm the head of the anti-rebellion. Mister Chale Ekon at your service," he says with a smile and a small bow.

I frown at his words. Anti-rebellion. This will be fun; I think I've made a new friend.

A/N (Again)

So um yeah, this is Chapter 8. I'm bringing a lot more main characters in now. I think they're almost all here. In a few more parts I'm going to post those character profiles I mentioned in the last Chapter.

Since I promised Chapters on Fridays (or I think I did anyways) I felt terrible last night when I remembered I forgot to even write this one. So I'm drinking apple juice boxes and listening to Fall Out Boy Folie à Deux.

I'll admit it now that I don't plan what's actually going to happen in the following Chapter. My fingers just type the next word that pops into my head.

This is kind of like a draft copy of this story/book thingy. I'm going to maybe add more detail in another copy of it, which will have less parts, but only because I'm going to smush Chapters together.

Plus, with the actual completed copy that will probably be on here January 2015, there will be a cast that will stay that way, forever.

I guess that's really it. Have a good day!

Bye readers,


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