Chapter 7

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I continuously glance towards the moon. It's almost at the highest point of the night, which causes my heart to beat faster. The cold wind whips through the destroyed land, sending dust into our faces. I spit the grainy particles out of my mouth, the taste of dirt lingering.

The two men behind me are struggling to keep up with my fast pace. Their moans and groans for a break echoing in my ears. My head turns towards them, sending them a deadly glare.

Casper and Emas speed up slightly so that their walking beside me.

Emas and I were shown the correct entrance by Casper. It wasn't difficult to find, but it still annoyed me that we had to walk through the President's manor to exit.

The wind slashing caused by a helicopter echoes above us, causing me to fall down onto my stomach. The men follow behind quickly. The search light rolls right around us as we begin to crawl towards the nearby building.

"Why are we here?" Casper demands.

I shush him as I pull myself back to my feet. After the quick motion of telling them to stay, I lean against the cold brick. My hands grip the rough rock as I inch my way towards the main gate.

My heart races the closer I get. My hand glides down my side until it rests on the cool metal of a gun in my pocket. I sneak one more glance at Emas and Casper as I turn the corner.

More search lights flash all around the front of the large building. Guards stand on each side of the tall wrought iron gate.

My back stays against the wall as I slip the gun out of my pocket. I let my mind wonder for a few seconds, thinking of a last minute plan. I slip the gun into the back of my pants.

My hands fumble with my shirt for a moment, placing it loosely over the gun.

The clicks of their guns don’t alarm me as I make myself visible. Their eyes fly over my small frame and they slowly return their guns to their sides.

I flash them my smile as I slowly approach. My sneakers don't help my height as I finally stand a few feet from the pair. They both tower above me by at least a foot.

My gray eyes dance up towards them. A small smile on my face. They grin at me in return. My small approaching footsteps slide by them as I walk towards the large gate.

I smile at how perverted they are. The gate swings open in front of me.

I step through the opening and stalk towards the large jail building. I start running towards the next door as the search light comes closer.

My back hits the wall of the jail building just as the light trails by where I was recently standing. The coldness from the brick seeps through my shirt. My legs carry me towards where I remember there being a door.

I laugh as I turn the knob and slip into the lowly guarded building. My quick footsteps echoing in the halls.

The cries of the prisoners echo around me as I approach a certain area. The mental ward of the jail.

I slip between the white swinging doors and think of the cell number I'm looking for. The sound of crying and screaming flying around the hall.

Number 27.

My feet stop immediately as I peer into the darkness that engulfs the cell. I tap on the metal bar a few times before a hand springs out, aiming for my neck.

I lean back far enough so it won't latch onto my neck. My own hand swings up, catching my attacker’s wrist before I pull them quickly towards the metal bars.

Their face comes into contact quickly and swiftly, just as I had planned.

"Lo?" I ask with a slight falter in my voice.

They grunt in response. I smile lightly at them.

"I need your help girl. You know the secrets of this country. I hope you remember them," I state with a motherly tone.

Lo grunts once again.

"Well, Miss Ex-President, how are we going to get you out of here?"

Kind of a short chapter, sorry. I just wasn't super inspired for this chapter. I started it last week after I posted Chapter 6, but just kind of got lost after a few dozen words.

It feels like I'm trying too hard to get a cliff hanger into the end of every chapter. What do you think? Should I tone it down a bit? Or does this just make you want to actually read the next chapter?

I'm also thinking about adding some music and a cast to this story.

Music will be easy for me to find, but comment or message me with links or ideas for the music to go with each chapter.

The cast is harder though. I haven't really thought of their appearances. I'll have to go back and grab little bits and pieces from previous chapters.

I'll be posting another story type thing about characters and what I think they'll end up looking like. Their personalities and 'special abilities' will also be there, kind of like a facebook page I guess. It'll add another level to the story in my opinion. I don't want it within these Chapters though because it would just get in the way.

If you don't care about that stuff, don't bother checking it out, but if you want to help me find a cast for this story, I'd love if you went and checked it out. I'll probably have that ready by the time Chapter 8 is released.

I'm also working on another story called 'Save Rock and Roll' at the moment, so updating will probably happen on Fridays.

This has been long enough,


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