The Mission

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( Woohoo!!! More fixed grammar!)
       Isla told Zera about what was going on while they were in the alley. " As you can tell, the world is coming to an end. The only people who can stop it is the people I am looking for. And I can tell  that I will need you to help me find them," she proclaimed.
       Zera thought, Does she have dreams like me, if not, how does she know she will need me? She figured at the time, it was a question for later. "So are we on some sort of quest?" Zera asked.
       "Yes," she replied, "we need to find all of my kind to stop this evil." She said.
       "I saw it in my dreams, there is a creature we must stop. He is doing all of this," Zera told her. Isla looked stunned.
       "Yes, he is a creature of darkness, and he has allies,"
       "Well, that settles it, let's go!" Zera rushed off, and only stopped to wait for Isla.
       "Wait up! We need to locate that boy from earlier!" Isla yelled, trying to stop Zera from running too far. Zera stopped and listened.
       "So the boy you were chasing was one of the chosen?" Zera asked.
       "Exactly, I have been chasing and hunting him for three days, but he will never listen," she claimed.
       Zera thought of an idea. "Okay we can team up. I have some little gadgets I made for entertainment. One is a small tracking device." Zera said. "Wow! We can use that on him, if we can find him now." Isla seemed slightly annoyed. "Well, we can find him, you slip the device in his pocket, then if he gets away, we will catch him!" Isla thought that could work, with her speed, and special abilities, both her and Zera could do it.
       "Fine, but hopefully we catch him and he doesn't escape. If he does, here's the plan..." As  they both discussed the plan together, they agreed on how to get him before that device is set.
        Both of the girls walked out of the alley together. "I can create a type of link with people  if I need, but I have to touch them, so here." Isla told Zera. She gently grasped the palm of Zera's hand as it glowed. "There, now we can telepathically speak. Let's split up and cover ground, tell me when you find him." Both girls sprinted into two different parts of the city.
       Isla searched for at least two hours until she noticed it was getting dark. She linked with Zera and said, "Meet me at the central area of town at the old park." Later, both came to meet. Zera thought how tiring the search was, the only good thing about it was that a man gave her a free donut, and a small siamese cat followed her down a block, purring. She thought how rare seeing animals like that these days was. Apparently humans used to survive off of them almost 1,000 years ago.
       Isla walked up to her, also empty handed. As the sky faded, they sat on the old park fountain, dry, only spewing air from it's top. "Well, we have tomorrow and the the next day to try." Isla said, trying to be optimistic.
       "Yeah, I guess you are right," as the two sat there, exhausted, the sun finally set. "Do you have a place to stay?" Asked Zera.
       "Not exactly, I just camp around, always moving." Isla replied.
       "Well, I have a more... homey place to go, we can spend the night and disband in the morning." Zera said.
       "Let's go see it, lead the way Zera." She pushed Zera along. When they got there, both were so tired, they  almost fell asleep instantly. Isla really knew how to snore. Zera lied there  thinking about what all had happened. She met a magical being, befriended her, and searched for another magical being. What a day for her, in her past she only walked around to find food and new supplies. Occasionally, she would bathe in the old creek by the other side of the woods near her "home".  At last, her eyelids grew heavy, and Zera drifted into sleep.

(This chapter was the start of a great friendship. I hope you enjoy and keep reading! Toodaloo my friends!)

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