"Hey Guys I'm still here." I waved in their faces, but they paid no mind to me so I went to the bathroom.

As I washed up, I started to notice a hickey forming on my neck which would lead to more problems with Tanner.

I don't know why I'm questioning my relationship so much when I already know that I'm in love with Julian. Was it the fear of my sister being mad or was it peer pressure that I would feel when I got back to school?

As I walked back to the table, I noticed that the waitress brought more food.

"You're back." Alyssa laughed. "Yeah, I didn't want to interrupt your PDA session or be the third wheel." "That's okay, everyone else got a show."

"So back to my questions, what's the most symbolic thing in your relationship?"

"Good question, this." Weston said pointing to a flower tattoo on his forearm.

"What's so symbolic about it?" "Well Alyssa and I got this same tattoo, but she got on her upper rib cage on her side so her parents couldn't find it that easily. As I said, my parents don't care what I do."

"When did you get them?"

"Summer before junior year. We went to Hawaii together without my parents knowing, so we saw this really pretty flower and he put it in my hair and reminded me that I was beautiful just like the flower." Alyssa blushed.

"I did tell her that." He joked

"Well now it's my turn to pee, I'll be back." She joked walking away

"Get married already." I joked

"I wish, but life isn't that easy. Her parents don't necessarily agree with us being together. They don't like that I have tattoos or that my hair is bleached, or really anything I do."


"Alyssa's family wants her to be with someone like her. They want her future husband to be Rich, respectful to everyone, not a partier, and just a good person overall and I'm definitely not any of those things. My family makes enough money to get by, I get ticked off easily, I Party a lot, and I have that "bad boy" reputation."

"Have you ever met them before?"

"Yeah we just usually pretend that we're partners for projects and they tend to believe it, but I know that I'm not their favorite person ever."

"Why, What did you do?"

"Nothing at all, but her Dad threatened me and told me that he would cut my throat if I ever made a move on her, but I've made lots of moves and that hasn't happened."

"Does Alyssa know about that?"

"Yeah, but she has to pretend to be a perfect daughter. Her older sister is messed up and no one knows where she is and her older brother is in his sophmore year of college so her family never sees him. She's literally an only child at the moment, but she takes advantage of it."

"So her parents basically want her to have the perfect boyfriend, the perfect grades, and a perfect personality?

"Yeah, but I already think she's perfect despite what they think. She doesn't need to change anything about herself other than her attitude. She's always down on herself because her parents are always expecting more."

"That's sad. What do your parents think of her?"

"They love her and she loves them. They think that she got me out of my dark place especially when I needed someone the most."

"I'm back!" She said skipping back to the booth.

"Here's to us being dumb teenage kids who don't know what the hell is going on, but are still making it." Weston said taking out his flask and passing it around. As soon as it was my turn I took a nice swig of Hennessy and swallowed it hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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