Chapter 5

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"Game day!" My brother screamed waking me up. I opened my eyes and rubbed them to see my brother running back and forth from his room to the bathroom in order to get himself ready.

"Tanner cut the crap." I heard Lexi scream back at him. "Both of you need to shut the hell up!" I screamed while putting my pillows over my head. After I heard my mom yelling, but I couldn't quite make it out due to the fact that my head was buried in my pillow and I didn't wanna hear her so early in the morning.

"Morning Morgan." My brother said tip toeing into the room. He tried to avoid making the floor creek, but it clearly didn't work. "Morning Tan, what's up?" "Nothing, Julian and Justin are gonna bring me to school this morning. I guess it's this tradition where upperclassmen have to bring the underclassman to school on a game day or scrimmage day." I said sitting up fully now.

"So are you gonna be okay without not being able to bring me to school today?" "Oh yeah and I'm even gonna miss you and Lexi's constant fighting every morning." I said sarcastically. "Aww don't miss me too much. You'll see me in the hallway and at the scrimmage tonight." "Yup"  I nodded at him as he made his way down the stairs.

"Ugh I can't find anything to wear." Lexi screamed storming into my room. "Okay and...?" I asked starting to apply bronzer to my face. "I need to borrow something from you even though I'm not the biggest fan of your makeup." She said picking up products one by one and throwing them around.

"You know that you can't just walk in here and go through my stuff." "Oh morg I've done it millions of times. So what flavor did Nick buy when he got you that horrible ice cream?" "You read my diary from freshman year?" "Um yeah, you're so lucky you didn't keep one this year or else you would've been screwed."

"You are one fucked up bitch" I said looking her up and down. "I'm the bitch? You broke up with Noah because you thought that he cheated on you. News flash he never did, you were the spoiled little prude that never trusted him. Oh yeah and one more thing. Stop hanging out with Julian, one of my friends caught you with him last night."

"What are you even talking about?" "Oh don't act all innocent, Tanner came home with your car last night all alone and he said that you had business to take care of." She said getting angry , but I found it quite funny. "So what if I was out with him last night? Tanner didn't lie when he said that we had business to take care of." I said trying not to laugh because my sister wouldn't handle the situation well if she even heard me chuckle.

"Did you have sex with him last night?" "Why does it matter what him and I do?" "You gave him pre game sex so that means you're gonna sleep with him tonight too." "Lexi are you listening to yourself? You sound absolutely ridiculous." "No I don't. You don't just sleep with you're sisters crush and not feel guilty about it. I slept with Chance Gianotti and to this day I still feel guilty about it, so you should feel guilty about sleeping with Julian."

"First off if you forgot you still have a boyfriend, second off you slept with Chance?, and third off I didn't sleep with Julian, and I never would." I said trying to keep calm. "I told you that I wanna break up with Miles, but he tried breaking up with me and I couldn't let that happen." "Well than what are you gonna do, cheat on Miles?" "I didn't wanna come to that, but I guess I might have to." "I guess so." I said picking up all of the makeup that she threw.

"Unless he cheats on me." "He would never do that." I laughed at her ridiculous statement. "Morgan I need you to kiss him tomorrow night at Nick's party." "Excuse me?" "Yeah I want you to come and then I you need to kiss him and I'll cause a scene." "First off I'm not going by myself and second off he's your boyfriend and I'm not trying to ruin anything between you." "That's the thing, I want you to ruin our relationship." "It's still a no."

Love You BetterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora