Women's Roles in Advanced Societies

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If humanity could learn from advanced races in the universe, you would see what an error this is. You would see what other races of beings have had to learn and how they have had to cultivate their native wisdom and skills in surviving and in functioning within a Greater Community environment, which by its very nature is extremely competitive and complex. If you could learn from these examples, then you would see the wisdom of what we are saying here.

In many advanced societies, as we mentioned, women are the priests; they are the religious authorities. In this case, in races very different from your own, the feminine is recognized as being more receptive to the direction of spirit, or God, while men in general—in most situations, the male aspect—are more competent in physical or practical measures.

This is not simply a human phenomenon or a historical precedent within this world alone. It is something that holds true throughout the universe. In certain advanced races, the male and the female have been joined into one being to gain access to the skills that both of these aspects of Creation can provide. But that is not humanity’s reality, nor need it be, for the male and the female, the masculine and the feminine, both have tremendous assets and qualities to be cultivated and which must be cultivated.

Therefore, that is why this could be called the Age of Women, the rise of women—not only to positions of political prominence, not only to positions of leadership in business or commercial affairs, but really in the realm of religion and spirituality.

While women possess great strengths, they also have weaknesses and liabilities within the human family. They are very prone to persuasion. They are very prone to the influences of social cohesion and consent. They are very prone to the difficulties of facing disagreement and disapproval. And their anger and their issue can be over extremely petty and insignificant matters. But in spite of all this, they have a natural ability to resonate, to care for, to sustain and to maintain, and to provide the greater resources of life, which are non-material in nature.

For all human beings have material needs and spiritual needs. Spiritual needs cannot be met by meeting material needs, but until material needs are met, spiritual needs cannot seriously be entertained by most people. But they are different, you see. Once you have satisfied certain physical requirements of life regarding food, water, shelter, security and so forth, then you begin to entertain a greater set of needs. These are perhaps psychological and emotional in nature, but psychological needs bridge to your deeper spiritual needs.

Ultimately, the greatest spiritual need is the same within all people, and that is to find and to fulfill your specific mission in coming into the world. This holds true regardless of your culture, your religion, your family circumstances, your economic situation and so forth. But to be able to entertain this seriously and responsibly, you must have certain material needs met. That is the first requirement.

Because material providership historically has fallen primarily on men, women have been able to cultivate providership at other levels—at the psychological and emotional and spiritual levels to a far greater degree, and they are naturally endowed to do this. It would be foolish to think that women are going to displace men in providing, in the provision of material needs. Where women’s greatest power is the power of empathy, the power of service. They face the same problems of fear, desire and preference that men do, but they still have these natural assets in great abundance. To deny them opportunities in the realm of religion and spirituality is a great mistake and a costly one at that.

The affairs of the spirit are different than the commercial and material affairs of people and should not be confused. In no case should the state and religion be the same. That has proven to be disastrous in history. The great casualty of attempting to join those two is religion itself, which becomes a tool of the state, which becomes used as a form of manipulation and persuasion, of self-righteousness and condemnation of others.

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