“When I went to go see Melony, someone was also there paying their respects. I had asked about the grave next to hers and they told me the whole story. I understand why Ily kept that from me because I know she meant well by it. Maybe sometime after we settle down we could try again,”

            “You mean to have another child?” Winry asked, her eyes bright.

            “Why not,” he shrugged, “I mean, if she wanted to that is. And I’m sure Rosie wouldn’t mind having a younger sibling,” he rested his hand on Rosie’s head, who had fallen asleep on his lap.

            “Do you think Aileana would be able to handle that after all that’s happened?” Ed asked in worry, “I mean, she’s already lost two kids plus she’s getting a bit old,”

Roy leaned forward slightly and knocked him hard on the head with his fist.

            “She’s only 33 Fullmetal,” he said menacingly, “that’s hardly what people would call old,”

            “Mom was in her 30’s when I was born,” Winry smiled as she pointed to herself.

            “Aileana doesn’t look like she’s in her 30’s,” Al said as he looked closely at her, “if she’s 33 that would make you 35, right Colonel?”

            “That’s correct Alphonse. Now, if you guys don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep before we reach Central. I know I’ll have a mountain’s worth of paperwork to do” he adjusted himself so he could lay his head more comfortably on Aileana’s head, “Armstrong, keep an eye on them will you? I don’t need anyone running off and getting lost,”

            “Will do sir,” Armstrong nodded as Roy drifted off to sleep.

After a few minutes Winry and Armstrong had fallen asleep, leaving Edward and Alphonse sitting in silence.

            “I can’t believe you were going to tell Brother,” Al broke the silence as the afternoon sun rose high in the sky, “Aileana trusted us not to tell the Colonel,”

            “Well he already knew so it doesn’t matter,” Ed said, resting his hand on his fist.

            “That’s not the point brother. The point is you were going to wreck Aileana’s trust-”

            “Their son died Al,” Ed snapped softly, “though it’s none of my business that’s information the Colonel needed to know. That was his flesh and blood that he didn’t even know existed,”

            “I’m sure she would’ve told him eventually,”

            “When? When they were having another baby? Let’s just drop it Al, what’s said is said. It’s done,”

Al turned his attention to the window and did not talk to Ed for the remainder of the train ride.

It took a little over a day for the group to arrive in Central, and when they did Aileana was instantly caught up in the fast pace of the city. She went from being excited to scared to having a panic attack. In the end Roy supported most of her weight as they arrived at Headquarters. Once there, he nearly dropped her.

            “Führer,” he said, instantly saluting along with Armstrong.

            “At ease Mustang, Armstrong,” Führer Bradley laughed lightly, “Major Armstrong had told me that you were bringing your wife along with you so I thought I’d come out in person to welcome you correctly,”

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