Part Eight

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            “Have everything?” Meredith asked as she met everyone at the train station the next morning, “I mean, everything that’s going,”

            “Yes Meredith,” Aileana smiled as she took a step towards her.

The old woman was quiet for a moment, then burst into tears and hugged Aileana tightly. As she pulled away she went to hug Rosie as Aileana dried her own tears.

            “You better take care of these girls, you hear me?” she said, pointing a finger at Roy before she hugged him as well, “and don’t forget to write and that you’ve always welcomed here in Risebal, all of you,” she motioned to Ed, Al, Winry, and Armstrong.

            “We’ll visit soon Ms. Meredith,” Rosie smiled as she hugged her again.

            “I’m going to miss you bug,” Meredith kissed the top of her head.

            “Ily,” Roy gently placed a hand on her shoulder, “we gotta go,”

            “Ok,” Meredith dried her eyes, “you two be kind to each other, no more fighting. Here,” she handed Aileana a basket, “these are fruits and breads for the ride back,”

            “Thank you so much Meredith,” she hugged the old woman one last time as she climbed aboard the train. She had barely sat down in her seat when the train lurched forward and began to leave the station. She waved goodbye until Meredith was a tiny dot in the distance. Finally putting her arm down, she rested her head against the window and shut her eyes.

            “You ok?” Roy asked as he rubbed her shoulder.

            “Yea,” she nodded, “it’s just feels weird to be leaving,”

            “You’re not regretting it, are you?” Winry asked, leaning forward slightly.

            “No,” she shook her head, moving it so it rested on Roy’s shoulder.

            “You must be exhausted. I know you stayed up late last night packing last minutes stuff,” Roy said, moving some hair out of her face.

She nodded and snuggled a bit closer to him, then fell asleep. Roy smiled lightly and rested his head on top of hers.

            “I wonder how things will be once we get there,” Al whispered, “I mean, she’s been in Risebal for so long,”

            “I think she’ll do fine,” he said softly, “she always does,”

Ed had remained quiet all morning, still bothered by what he had learned the day before. Not only was the lead on the stone a bust, but he had learned so many dark secrets about Aileana that he couldn’t stomach, especially the ones Roy didn’t know about. He had made a promise to Aileana that he wouldn’t tell anyone, especially Roy, but he just couldn’t take it.

            “Colonel,” Ed began quietly, “I want to talk to you about something,”

            “Don’t worry Fullmetal,” he held his hand up, “I already know what you’re going to say,”

            “With all due respect sir, no you don’t,” he pressed on, “I want to talk to you about Nicholas,”

            “Brother!” Al scolded, “Ana trusted us not to tell!”

            “Easy Alphonse,” Roy sighed, “Like I said, I already know what he’s going to say,”


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