And I was furious — furious at Brandon, furious at my dad. Why would he put me in this situation, why would he play hero, why would he make me fall for him if he was only going to push me into the arms of another guy, why was he so mean, why was he tearing my heart in pieces, why was he breaking every bone in my body, my heart was aching for, I was finally making a decision and now he pulled me back to square one and now I have to found out that my dad had a mistress, I needed someone to comfort me more than anything.

And in my moment of distress there was a soft knock at the door and then mom walked in, it had been long since she stepped into my room, she always just stopped at the door. “Dear I heard your sobs, what's wrong?”

“Mom — oh mom” I hugged her tight, “why do the people we love hurt us the most?”

“That's just how life is dear” she stroked my hair, “we are bound to get hurt, people change, circumstances change, we just have to be strong and be prepared for whatever's coming”

“Mom Kelly hurt me, she hurt me bad” I sobbed hard.

“I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you” mom tried to comfort me. "circumstances change people, it makes them do crazy things... we'll humans and being that means countless of mistakes" mom sounded so calm and easy, I wished I had inherited that trait, I wished I could be so calm like her but I couldn't.

“Mom everything is crumbling down's having an affair” I cried.

“So you found out” that was mom's only reply, a shocking one but yes she knew, she knew that her walls were crashing down and there was nothing she could do.
“You knew about it?”

“I had known for a while now” she lifted my head from her chest and spoke to me eye to eye, my eyes were red and puffed.

“I found out one day when I went to the office, saw him messing around with her, and like you I cried, and like you I sobbed but it didn't change anything, and so I confronted him and as we screamed helplessly at each other, pouring out our hearts in a moment of weakness I realized that there was no hope for us anymore, the wall had crumbled to fast, the foundation had shaken so hard and at that moment I had to do the hardest thing ever — I had to let your dad go.”

I felt so terrible, I had been unaware of what was going on, I had no idea how much pain my mom was going through, I had been too busy obsessing over other terrible things.

“I'm so sorry mom, am so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me” I hugged her and cried so hard. “I'm so sorry mom”

“Darling you don't need to apologize, a mother would never want her child to share in her mother's pain” she wrapped her hands around me, and we stayed there all night, wrapped into each other's arms. I had forgotten how much I missed this, having mom so near, in all the pain and anguish having her there was all I truly needed.

The next morning I didn't head to school, maybe because I wasn't ready to face Kelly just yet. I was on a bus on my way to the hospital, I wasn't ready for Kelly but I had a thousand punches to rain on Brandon, I had a million rage to pour down on him and as I got down from the bus, charging straight into the hospital and up into the room my anger was doing nothing but increasing. And soon I barged into the room, the nurse had just given Mrs. Cage a sedative and it was already taking effect.

“Paige” he looked surprised to see me.

“You bastard” I screamed at him and punched his chest as hard as I could and then I continued to punch it several times until I felt satisfied. “Please calm down Paige” he gripped my hands with full force, “what did I do wrong?”

“Your whole existence was a mistake, you're just like Kelly a big fat liar” I screamed. “It was all a lie, our friendship, our team work, even the kiss. Everything was a lie Brandon you were just using me to become Sherlock Holmes, why Brandon — why did you make me fall for you if you were only going to throw me into the arms of another”

“I never lied to you Paige” he gripped my hands tighter pulling me closer to him, “I never lied, everything I've ever said to you was nothing but the truth and that kiss is the realest thing I've done in ages, I'll and do over and over again until you feel tired of the feel of my lips, I'll do it over and over again until you get tired of me”

“Then why did you do it? I was finally starting to like you, I was finally starting to feel the butterflies, I was finally ready to forget Casper for you, so why did you have to do it?”

“Because I didn't want to be just another Kelly, I didn't want to get what I want with circumstances, I want you. It's been written on my face since the first day but I want to have you because I deserve it, I want to be yours because am all you want, I want to be the one you wake up to, I want to be the one you flood with kisses, I want to be the one you share your forever with, I love you because I love you and I want you to love me because you love me and not because Casper never gave you the attention you wanted”

Tears began to roll down my cheeks, I felt so many emotions, and I didn't know what to do or how to feel. “But now am confused, am confused Brandon and I don't know what to do — tell me what to do Brandon, I feel so torn in different paths”

“Paige the decision is yours and only yours but at the end I want you to know that I love you Paige Deloris knight, you're all want, you're I need and I really want you to know that"

And in my moment of confusion I drew closer to Brandon and stole a kiss from him, for the first time I was the one taking the lead, for the first time I was the one who wanted this — his lips on mine, I was the one who wanted his cherry flavored tongue to play with mine. I loved him yes, I really did but At this moment of unending passion he had no idea that this kiss wasn't a beginning it was an end, he had no idea that it was the last, I was tired of the drama — he had no idea that this was a goodbye.

 I loved him yes, I really did but At this moment of unending passion he had no idea that this kiss wasn't a beginning it was an end, he had no idea that it was the last, I was tired of the drama — he had no idea that this was a goodbye

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