"This is your fault! Why did you do this?"


What a surprise! 127 team was there too!

But it wasn't exactly how I expected. Taeyong ran to me and almost punched me in the face!

But Jaemin caught his arm before he hit me. Dream team put themselves in front of me, and Chenle was holding my hand.

Winwin came and took Taeyong from there and whispered something to him. After that he went and whispered something to Yuta too.

Yuta looked at me and continued to wash the floor.

Chenle, who was holding my hand, came closer and whispered:

"What have you done now?"

I looked back and he smiled at me, like an innocent boy. It was 15 o'clock in the morning and we haven't finished it yet.

We took a break and I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I went in the schoolyard and the snowflakes started to fall.

I looked at the sky and then I saw Jaemin in the schoolyard with another girl, talking.

"Luckily I could find you in this snow storm."

And then... 😭... they kissed. I almost cried. And I remembered.


"Um... Hi, Kyo. How are you?"

"Jaemin?! You cheated on me?"


"Why are you lying to me, Na Jaemin? All this time, I..."


I heard my name being called by dream team. Again, wrong moment.

When they saw Jaemin and Nikki, they faster covered Jisung's and Chenle's eyes this time.

"What? We didn't do anything." said Jaemin.

"We just don't want the kids to see your damn face. Liar."

Jaemin waved his hand and went with Nikki, while Mark was looking for someone.

"For who are you looking?"

"Haechan. He was next to me a second ago and he just.... disappeared."

Haechan POV

I couldn't see those two standing right there, so... I went to the principal and Mr Choi.

I knocked at the door and I went in very fast.

"Haechan. You're not allowed to come in like this."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kim, but it's an emergency. Jaemin left with a girl."

"What?! Did you stopped him? Did you even tried?"

"Of course. Yeah..."

"Okay, then. I'll prepare a punishment for him. Thank you, Haechan."

And, that's all...


Afyer Jaemin left with Nikki, Jisung and Chenle tried to calm me down and do not cry anymore.

"Come on, Kyo. We want to see your sweet smile."

"I've got an idea." said Jisung, very proud of himself. "What if we'll go to-morrow for a maknae line date. Just three of us. No hyungs, who want to make you cry. Are you okay with that?"

I didn't answer, but I looked at Jisung, who wiped my tears and smiled. Chenle changed a look with Jisung behind my back.

"Think about that, okay? It's gonna be our last time before everyone will go to their families."

"O-okay, I guess. Lets finish our punishment."

Then Haechan appeared with a wide smile on his face.

"We don't have to do our punishment anymore. I told to the principal what Jaemin did and she has rewarded us."

"Yeeey!!! " exclaimed Jeno and Renjun.

"See you later guys."

I went to my dorm and laid on my bed, playing on my phone some random game.

And I lost the final round because a private number sent me a message.


Um... hi
                                   I don't want to hear
                                     any excuses!

I had to do this!

                                  Why? To destroy
                           my life? Well thank you!

No! I would
never do that!
I did that because...


a/n: heeeeeyyyyy! How are you my loveeers! Shinee will have a comeback and wanna one will release an album!!!! 😎😍
I'm very excited and I can't wait for this! Well... See ya lovers!

Black On Black - nct ff 💕[completed] Where stories live. Discover now