In closing

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Now that this collection is over, I would like to sat a few things.

First, thank you everybody who made it all the way through this collection, and for the support I have received due to it.

Second, know that it was easier for me to write these darker poems when I started. I was in a darker place, which can be seen bleeding through into the poetry. At the beginning the poems were a nearly daily outlet for me, and as time went on I needed them less and less. Also, as I progressed through the collection, the poems became less about my personal dark, and more about others, and a general darkness.

Third, you may have noticed some similarities between poems from this collection and Positive. This is because many of them were written side by side. Some have little changes to them, and some don't. This is to emphasize how perspective changes meaning.

Lastly, a shout out to Snowbabee16 MagicKaitoKid1412 and JanetGeorge1 for supporting me through this. Thank you.

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