Little Black Bird

15 3 0

 A little black bird alights on a perch

He sings a trill little song

He stands on the limb of a little birch

Nothing can go wrong


But this trilly song is not of warmth or joy

T'is of the loneliness of angels

And the misleading treasures of the eye

The wrongness of fairy fables


This little bird has gone through wrongs

Through brokenness and sorrow

For more happiness he longs

The freedom of tomorrow


But this tiny bird is caged

In eptyness and tears

In punishment and fears

And still the tiny song does rage


This little bird has no hope of leaving

No opening a door

For his prison is not physical

Yet still effects him to the core


This little bird did sing

But now he sings no more

For now this little bird is silent

Mute forevermore

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