Loving Bezuta

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It's being three months since the  Queen and the new King have gotten marry. There were planning to spend their honeymoon in Paris, but it got cancelled because of her work in the Human World.

"Wait!....we can't go?.....how come?" Chojiro said a little annoyed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

" Because they are very important meetings..." She said as she waited for  her husband to pack his clothes in the suitcase.

" Ohh? And your meetings are more important than me?" He said raising an eyebrow.

Dammit! Is she being serious??...He thought.

" Yes...." She simply said. "And hurry because we have to leave"

Chojiro scoffed at her while shacking his head. He couldn't believe what his hearing.

Wow our honeymoon is ruined....

After he was done he went outside where a black carriage was waiting for them. He got inside and sat next to the Queen. " Kasumi..... since I'm the king..... aren't I supposed to be ruling? " He asked now that he was starting to think about it.

The Queen chuckled. " Chojiro, your role is to be a King....not to do what a King has to do.....you don't know how..." She simply said.

" W-what?......but I can learn!" He said, starting to get more angry. "No you can't, now be quiet, I want to go to your new home quietly..." She said already facing the carriage's door that had a small curtain, showing a little of the outside.

" Tch!.....you think very low of me don't you?....." Chojiro said as he now had a very serious look. The Queen just ignored him.

Time Pass...

In the Demon World; Kasumi was sitting in her office, writing and analyzing contracts and papers, as a  tall, blonde, handsome man walked in with papers in his hands.

"Hello Bezuta....oh yes those papers.." she mumbled as she received the papers.

"How are you doing?..." He asked as he looked at her golden eyes with curiosity. " I'm doing fine, how about you?" She asked him, her eyes focus on the papers.

" I'm fine too..." That's not even the truth....He thought.

The Queen suddenly looked up with a surprise look. " What's not true?" She asked.

!!!!!!...seriously!...we're vampires....we can read minds....He thought once again.

" I-I......I'm sorry....." He stuttered and started to walk out of her office, when the Kasumi suddenly grabbed his wrist and stoped him.

" Why are you apologizing?....why aren't you telling me the truth?"

Bezuta looked away from her.
" There's no point in telling you.... you're already marry and you love him...." He said looking back at her.

The Queen nodded understanding.
" Who told you I love Chojiro?..... I don't love him....I'm actually using him for my projects....I can't tell you about it....yet...." She said as she caressed his cheek softly with the back of her fingers.

"Wait what?..." Bezuta said as he was so confused.

" Shhh.....just let me....kiss you" She leaned in to kiss him gently. Bezuta slowly closed his eyes and kissed her back.

Wait this is wrong! She's marry!

Bezuta slightly pushed her. " I can't, your marry and I don't want to be like....... a lover to you ....." he mumbled.

The Queen chuckled and pressed her body against him. She wrapped an arm around his neck, and the other hand caressing his arm.

" Bezuta.....I love you.....I always had feelings for you.... believe it or not...I always loved you" She lied and kissed him hard.

This time he didn't stop her and kiss her back, both of his hands cupped her cheeks. They both started to breath heavily from the passionately kiss.

" Bezuta come with me....." She said and held is hand, leading him to a private room.

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