"He had sex and got a minor pregnant. Um... Trinity Jones?" He asked.

"We're only 1 year apart!" I say.

"Your Ms. Jones?" He asks and i nod.

"We have to take you in too. Your not in trouble, you just need to answer some questions." He says and i walk to the cop car as they escort Jack.

"Ill get you out of this, i promise" i say to him.

"Hey! No talking!" The cop yells.

"Im sorry your birthday sucks so far" he whispers to me so the cop cant hear.

"Its okay i mean its not bad im just going to the police station answering questions about my boyfriend who apparently raped me" i say and he laughs.

We get to the police station and they were about to pull him away from me but i hold his face and stand on my toes and kiss him.

"I love you" i smile with tears in my eyes.

"I love you too and dont cry, its okay, everythings gonna be okay" he says and i smile then they take him away from me and i suddenly feel empty.

I walk to the interrogation room with the one cop and i sit at the table.

"Im going to ask a series of questions about the crime you must answer truthfully" he says and i nod.

"How do you know mr Gilinsky?" He asks.

"Hes my boyfriend and father of my soon to be child" i say.

"State your age and his age" he says.

"Hes 18 and i turn 17 today" he says.

"So he had sex and got you pregnant at age 16 correct?" He asks.

"Correct" i say.

"Were you willing or did he harrass or abuse you?" He asks.

"This is getting really personal" i say.

"Just answer the question" he says.

"Willingly. I wanted to" i say.

"Were you aware he was not protected?" He asks.

"Yes" i lie.

"So you were well aware of the outcome?" He asks and i nod.

"Yes, i wanted to get pregnant. I had a miscarriage and thought i couldnt have a baby anymore so we tried ane it happened" i say.

"Im sorry, who was the father of the first baby?" He asks.

"Carter Reynolds" i say.

"As in...?" He asks afraid to say it and i nod.

"Was it a rape?" She asks.

"Well no but then i thought he was protected but i guess he wasnt" i say.

"Youre aware Mr.Reynolds is 20 correct?" He says and i nod.

"And you were 16 at the moment correct?" He asks and i nod.

"Okay thank you for the information. There will be a court date set for Tuesday but in the meantime we will keep custody of Mr.Gilinsky." He says.

"What?!" I ask.

"Im sorry but its the rules" he says.

"Can you please just let him out until you know hes guilty or not?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Fuck this!" I say and storm out of the station.

I have to walk home because we rode in a cop car.

As soon as i get home i run upstairs into my room and flop on the bed crying into my pillow.

"Trin? Are you okay?" Alex says walking in.

"Does it look like im okay?!" I snap.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Why should i tell you? You dont even know me and you barely know my mom! Just to let you know youll never EVER replace mom" i say.

"Look, i know your upset about your mom moving on but just remember ill be here if you need someone to talk to" she says.

"Hes in jail" i say.

"Who?" She asks.

"Jack." I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"If i tell you will you promise not to judge me?" I ask.

"I promise" she says.

"Well a few months ago i was put into a mental hospital for suicide and i got pregnant in there and about a week ago i found out it was a miscarriage and was told i couldnt get pregnant anymore. Ever. And so the other night me and jack um yanno and he forgot to use protection and so i ended up testing positive which is a miracle but then the cops showed up saying it was rape even though hes a year and a few months older than me and so i went to the cops and had to answer questions and they have him in custody until trial tuesday" i say.

"Congratulations sweetie! And its only til tuesday, you could make it til then? And im sure theyll find him innocent, theres nothing to worry about." She says.

"Thanks," i smile, "by any chance can you not mention any of this to mom?" I ask.

"Sure thing" she smiles and leaves my room.


Hey, as alot of you guys already know Connor left O2L today (well yesterday from the time i update) and ive been kinda taking it hard. I dont think ive ever cried so hard as much as i did earlier today when i watched the video. I know most of you guys are magcon fans because after all, this is a magcon fanfic and probably dont care but i am a huge o2ler and it just made me so sad. So i apologize if this chapter or the next few chapters are really crappy its just this whole situation has me really depressed.

I love you guys still


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