Coming to LA

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Majesty Pov.

"Mom do I have to go," I said with tears running down my face.

It was 8pm at night at northwestern Philadelphia airport. If you were wondering what I'm doing here, I am being shipped off to los Angelos. My mom said it's so I can have a better education but I know it's because she don't want me to see what my father puts her through.

    Ever since last year when he got out of jail he had been beating on my mother and putting her down. I Tried to call the cops but my mom said if I called he would've killed all of us including himself.

Right now he is at work in the shop so this is the closest we could get me to a airport without him noticing.

" Yes you do have to go," she said wiping my tears, " Now be a big girl and go on that air plane."

I gave my mom one last tight hug and grabbed my luggage to leave. I started walking to the but something told me to turn around. I turned around to see my father arguing with my mother.

     How did he find us?

     I didn't take another moment to think. I ran towards the departure doors. I could hear his heavy feet on the marble floors. I ran to the door and handed the lady the ticket. I could feel him gaining in on me.

     When she finally let me through, I tightly Grabbed my bags and hurried to the airplane. I could hear him starting a commotion in the back of me but he is too late.

(6 hours later)

    I woke up from my nap to see most of the passengers are gone. I hurried up and grabbed my bags from above and left.

   After I got off the plane I went straight to the food court. I was hungry because I didn't eat any of that nasty airplane food. I went to McDonald's and ordered a quarter pounder, larger fry, 2  sugar cookies, and a root beer. Don't judge me I love me some root beer.

     I paid and sat down and ate. After I was done I headed out front. When the LA sum hit my skin I felt so good compared to the cold airport. I looked around the parking lot to see if my aunt was here to pick me up.

   "Hey," said a deep voice behind.

  I turned around to see a tall light skinned male with curly hair standing there.

    "Ummm... hey," I voiced not knowing what to say.

    "Well that was dry," he said making me laugh.

    "Well I don't know what to say to a stranger at the airport."

     " I don't gotta be though," he hinting he wanted to get to know me better.

     I playfully rolled my eyes.

    "So who you here for," I asked being nosy.

     "My manz pnb meen," he said making my head jolt up.

     "As in pnb rock brother," I asked interestedly.

   He nodded his head.

  " You a fan?" He asked.

  "No. I just mess wit his music and we come from the same place," I said looking at a black wraith pull up.

   "Oh okay. You still don't recognize me," he asked tilting his head to the side.

     I shook my head no and walked towards the car.

     Before I got in, I turned around to see him still looking at me.

       "What's ya name shawty," she asked over the crowd of people.

      "Majesty and yours?," I said opening the door.

      "Jay. Jay critch," and like that he was washed up in the crowd.

      Wow! I just met a famous person and didn't even know it. I knew I was simple.

   Heard my aunt yell for me to get in the car. I mentally rolled my eyes and got in the car. This is gonna be a long car ride.

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