"Ahh." I pulled all the energy I could get in one more blow before falling back into the water and the dragon fell back in the other direction. I tried to heal myself before the dragon could fly back up and I felt the water corsing through my body. The grains of sand in the water scratched against my skin and didn't make me feel to much refreshed than energized. I came out of the water to where I pulled my sword in front of my body and lowered myself all the way to the ground. I almost tripped with the sudden contact of Earth beneath my feet and I looked down and saw a blue flower sprouting from the sand. I knew it was Bethany on the other side of the arena reaching out to me.

"Fight!" Henry screamed pounding his fists in the arm rests of his large chair. I turned towards the dragon, its crystal eye had fallen out revealing a hole of blazing fire. The left eye still in tact though it had fire coming from around the edges. That's when the idea hit me, it's eyes were probably its weakness, the only place without protective armor. It's mouth opened only when it breathed fire, I would never get into it, and it's nose had spikes across it defending the openings. I had to get to that eye.

"You got this Persia!" I heard a small voice reach my ears. Emma was wooping for me and then the rest of my friends joined in. The crowd glanced over, but overpowered my friends with their own chant. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd hollered. I ran towards the dragon and with my sword in hand, I wheeled it like a spear and stiked it's eye, it fell out of place and landed on the ground. My sword clattered to the ground as well, but the dragon, Bruce, stepped on it as it hissed and roared. I sprinted towards me, its eyes blazing in fury, I reached for the water, but the water was no where in sight, it was behind the dragon.

"Crap!" I ran in the other direction, but it was almost no use. The Dragon leaned over me, casting its shadow of death over my body and then stopped and squirmed. It fell to the ground and I rolled out of the way, but one of its claws landed on my arm. "Ahh!" I screamed in pain. The arm of the dragon weighted like a person sitting on my arm alone. Its body turned ablaze and the fire ate at my skin. I reached for the sword and willed it into my hand, cutting the dragon's arm off of me and rolling away again. My shirt's sleeve was gone, but my flesh was red and bloody. I could barely move my fingers, my left arm was absolutely useless. I stepped away from the dragon until I collided with the wall. I crouched down and covered my face as the dragone erupted into flames and exploded.

Looking back up, fire and red scales lay scatted across the field and two oval gems lay in the middle of it all. The gate with my friends opened and they came running to me. I braced the wall and stood up, being cautious of my arm. The crowd was erupting into fights in the stands and some even threw weopons in our direction. I walked away from the wall and limped over closer to my friends. They were running the entire length of the arena.

"Stop! Who let them out?" Henry roared standing and throwing a guard out of the way. His eyes found me on the field and he grabbed a spear with a diamond on the top as a blade. I stopped in my tracks and looked at where he was aiming, my friends.

"Go!" I shouted pointing at Henry, but they couldn't hear me. I heard a grunt and the spear sailed over my head and hit the ground a few feet in front of Logan who jumped back in surprise. I limped as fast as I could, but tripped over a red scale on the floor, falling on top of my injured arm. I screamed in pain rolling to my back as my friends finally arrived.

Everything was spinning and I looked at Emma's face over my head first, then Bethany with Logan standing behind. He actually had concern on his face, and finally Chris who told everyone to step back. He asked me questions, but I couldn't concentrate on them. I was losing too much blood. My shirt once again soaked in blood and now ripped to shreds on my left sleeve. I felt someone pick me up and I stared up at the large circular lights above me, they seemed to take me in and destroy the rest of my vision. I heard my name being shouted over and over again.

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