Arc 3: (Save)(Needs Editing) Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

Finally deciding they could laugh watching Failarmy, Lyna set the remote down and began stroking Jewels' hair.

Lyna's parents watched from the doorway grinning madly with wide smiles. When Failarmy went off, some sort of cheesy romantic comedy started. With the remote out of reach and Lyna far too comfortable with Jewels to get up and grab it, the movie was allowed to play.

When a romantic kiss scene played, Lyna's parents started chanting under their breath.

"Come on Lyna," Miranda murmured. Her daughter cuddled her girlfriend closer. "Come on, come on- John, why won't she kiss her?"

"I don't know," John grumbled annoyed himself. "I thought I taught her better than this."

Lyna began moving her face closer to Jewels' and her parents started wiggling with excitement. As Miranda began cheering softly John began muttering encouragingly. It was honestly a surprise they didn't hear him.

"You got this Lyna. That's right, get her attention, you don't want to startle her. Grab her chin, be gentle Lyna! Okay, guide her head and make her look directly in your eyes, that's it. Make sure she's calm Lyna, stroke her cheek or- that works good girl! Now.."

On the couch, Jewels giggled.

"Your parents really want us to kiss." she informed.

"Is that so?" Lyna remarked as she continued stroking Jewels' cheek. "Might as well then. Wouldn't want to disappoint the folks after all."

"Of course not." Jewels agreed in a soft murmur. Lyna tilted the girl's head back a little further before finally connecting lips.

Miranda squealed as quietly as she could manage and John cheered quietly. Lyna and Jewels broke apart and Jewels laid back down on Lyna once more.

"Operation: Grandchildren is going smoothly." Miranda declared softly.

On the couch, Jewels choked before going bright red. Her ears twitched nervously and Lyna glanced down at her in confusion.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," Jewels squeaked. "Nothing at all." She wondered if Miranda had filled out adoption papers already and was simply waiting for them to be of an appropriate age to convince them to have children.

Lyna gave her a curious look, before seeming to shrug it off.

"If my parents weren't playing spy kids, I'd kiss you more. That was the whole point of cuddling on the couch instead of safely in my room."

"Why worry about that when they're the ones encouraging us to kiss?"

"Good point."

John and Miranda left the room feeling distinctly uncomfortable about watching their daughter make out with her girlfriend.

"No!" Chika wailed. "Exams! All week!"

"I'll never survive!" Lyna whimpered.

"As long as they don't pull the whole 'we didn't teach you this but you should be able to guess' routine on the math exam this year..." Jewels huffed.

"History." James grumbled eyeing the schedule distastefully. "First thing we do Tuesday morning."

"My memory is pretty spotty that early though." Chika grimaced. Lyna glanced at the list of things the exam would cover from the year.

"What the fuck is yellow journalism?!" She demanded.

"Better question, when did we cover it?" James asked.

"We didn't." Jewels deadpanned. She flipped through her binder one last time as a check. "It's not in the notes, there wasn't a video on it and there wasn't a bell ringer. This is the first I've heard of it."

"Is it something about racial discrimination?" Lyna asked. "In the recent history we're studying, it's usually racial discrimination."

Jewels pulled her phone ignoring the indignant looks from fellow students as a teacher walked by casually disregarding the fact she was on her phone.

"Google says yellow journalism is 'journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration." Jewels recited.

"So like saying that punching someone in he face has the same criminal weight as say, shooting someone or dismemberment?" James asked.

"Not that drastically," Jewels amended. "More like, smoking pot to murder and dismemberment."

"So then why is it called yellow journalism then?" Chika inquired. "What does yellow have to do with it?"

Jewels shrugged.

"Search me," she said helplessly. "I don't get the name scheme either."

"I swear," Lyna grumbled. "Most things in the world were named like this solely to confuse the kids on where it came from."

The rest of the group nodded sagely, missing the amused looks from the few teachers still around. The teens then made their unhurried way for the door. Better to walk with a crowd that large after all.

They were just that much more smug when they ended up being the only people who didn't trip on the wet floor from the janitor's prank.

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