Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s pov.

I don't remember much after we all fell asleep. I remember gaining conciensness from time to time and remember being dragged by someone, but nothing that I remembered clearly. I remember that I was sleeping and that we were flying in the air. We then hit something and jolted awake. We were flying in North's sleigh above a huge amount of Nightmares surrounding Jack and Sandy.

I saw Sandman shoot up by a stream of dreamsand and launching Jack away from the Nightmares. Jack then started flying and shot a Nightmare that was chasing him. As we flew closer me and Toothiana looked at each other. I nodded to her with a serious face, expanded my wings and both of us jumped off to destroy some Nightmares. As Tooth flew through them, causing them to explode, I got out my tessens, raised up my hood to cover my face as my long scarf flew harshy in the wind, and threw the tessens like boomerangs, slicing many Nightmares perfectly.

The others joined in the fight as well - Bunnymund jumped on a nearby roof tossing his boomerangs, destroing many Nightmares as well. After he caught his boomerangs he jumped off the roof and grabed one of the sleigh's skids, that passed by. As they continued flying in the sleigh, North jumped up and sliced upcoming Nightmares. I saw that Jack was in the air and two Nightmares went after him on both sides. He dropped down, only to be hit be another Nightmare temporarily blinding him and knocking his staff out of his hands. He started freefalling so I caught him and his staff and quickly dropped him on the sleigh that passed slightly below me.

I saw many Nightmares approaching my direction so I put my tessens away, got out my dual broadswords (that's what they are called in ATLA) and let out a battle cry as I charged at them my wings powerfully beating as I flew faster and closer to them. I sliced and kicked many Nightmares as my adrenalin pumped through my vains. I then saw all the Nightmares left, which were only a few, flying upwards. I looked up and saw that Sandy was surrounded by a huge ring of Nightmares and using his whip to destroy any approaching ones. I saw Pitch floating on a nearby dark sand cloud with his hands raised in a position like he was gonna shoot an arrow at Sandy's back.

"Sandy's in trouble! We have to help him!" I yelled at the other Guardians as I flew to help Sandman  and heard North cracking his reigns. I started flying faster to get closer to the Guardian of Dreams, but he was still to high up. I didn't give up. I couldn't. I'm not going to make it I thought as I saw Pitch almost releasing the black arrow. NO! I have to make it! Sandy needs to survive! We can't lose him! I yelled inside my mind and forsed my wings to fly faster. I could faintly hear the others yelling for me to stop, but I ignored them and continued. Just then Pitch released the arrow and it hit Sandman in the back...

My mind stopped.

"No...." I breathed out as tears fell down my face and I stopped flying, horrified by the scene in front of me. As I watched Sandy get emerged by the black sand and killing him, I closed my eyes tightly shut, still filled with tears, as I flew up in a greater speed than ever before and let out a booming and raging battle cry. Pitch raised his hands and a massive wave of Nightmares flew towards me. I felt my eye glowing with a huge (f/c) flame and my vains pumping me with large amounts of energy. I was then engulfed by Nightmares. Then I felt the new found energy overwhelming my body as I let out a scream and the magic just bursted out of me like a huge bubble, eliminating the Nightmares within a 10 meter radius. I felt no control over my body as I slashed at the Nightmares out of pure rage and yelling out in anger each time I did. Jack then flew by my side and froze the upcoming wave of Nightmares, that later then exploded knocking me, Jack and Pitch through the air.

I felt so tired. All of my energy was drained as numbness overcame me. I felt nothing as I started freefalling, my beautiful metal wings dragging down in the process. I then started to lose conciesness and closed my eyes, accepting my fate. But right before I closed my eyes completely I saw a blurry grey figure reaching a hand out to me and a yell.


The world then turned to darkness.

(To be continued)

(Sorry that this chapter is slighly shorter than the others, but I guaranty you that the future chapters will be longer than this one)

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