One day, Harry and I were seated in front of the windows, on a lovely spring day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the breeze was soothing. He moved to join me on my armchair and began kissing me all down my neck. He planted soft pecks across my collarbone and before I could register what was happening, he had completely unbuttoned my shirt, dropping it onto the wooden floor. He began leaving a trail of kisses on my shoulders, and across my chest, making his way downwards. I let out a soft moan and entwined my fingers in his soft dark hair, making him gasp ever so slightly.

We heard a small 'pop' and immediately twisted our heads round to find the source of the noise, worried that somebody had managed to get inside. But as we looked round, we both noticed that the Room had made a new addition, while we were still inside. This was very unusual, but when we saw what it had done, knew it was necessary to add in the moment.

A queen-size bed had appeared, right in the centre of the room. It was a normal white bed, with an iron frame, and spirals in the head of it. We looked at each other, as if we were each asking the other whether we should go or not. After a moment of thought, I brought my lips to Harry's, as if to say we were ready.

Harry's POV

So we moved towards the glowing soft white bed. As soon as we were both seated on the soft sheets, I began to unbutton Draco's crisp white shirt as we kissed passionately. I leaned back for a moment to pull my own t-shirt over my head and I immediately noticed harsh red scars all across his stomach. His faded Dark Mark was still prominent on his left forearm. Draco flushed and quickly tried to cover his stomach with his hands and reached for his shirt. I placed a reassuring hand on his arm and began to place soft kisses all across his stomach and along his forearm. I knew how ashamed he was to be branded with such an evil symbol, but I didn't care. He was still my Draco.

Thankfully, we didn't have any classes that afternoon, so we remained lying in that bed for what felt like hours afterwards. It was strange, but I felt almost relieved, like I had been anticipating this for ages, but also dreading it. I had to admit that I was a bit worried that it wouldn't go as well as it had, that something would happen, or simply that I wouldn't enjoy it. But honestly, I thought it was possibly the most wonderful feeling I had ever experienced in my life until now. I would've never taken a single step out of that bed if it weren't for my friends who I had promised to spend time with that evening.

Nevertheless, Draco and I watched the sun set through the floor-length windows, taking in the light draught and basking in the natural glow it was giving both of us. I finally cast a Tempus charm and told him we had to get dressed if we wanted to make dinner. He protested, claiming it wasn't necessary, but the noise his stomach made disagreed. So we both heavily dropped to the floor and put our clothes back on, stealing a final kiss before leaving the Room of Requirement for the last time. We had decided we wouldn't go back there for the rest of the year. We had, in fact, discussed it at length and come to the decision that I would stay in Draco's home for the time being, until we could find ourselves a place to stay together, that had nothing to do with the Malfoy name.


At dinner, Draco told me he was going to sit with Theodore, since he hadn't in a while and I nodded, before giving him a peck on the cheek and taking my own seat next to Hermione. He blushed ever so lightly and moved towards the opposite end of the Great Hall.

Ron had barely waited for me to sit down before commenting on my appearance.

"Mate, you alright? You look exhausted, but like, happy," he had a befuddled expression glued to his features, making me giggle. It appeared I was euphoric and unable to contain my reactions.

"I'm fine, just happy, I suppose. You know, it's almost the end of term, and it's lovely weather," I did realise how loopy I sounded, but I didn't care. Nothing could sway my mood in that moment.

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