"I'm sorry Lou. They wont let up about it and if we get it done they will leave you alone too" Harry hears Louis sigh.

"I- alright, fine we'll get it done. I need to book an appointment with Mason's doctor. Give me a few days alright? When are you free?" 

"Alright sounds good. Um I'm free all next week. We have a week off before we start tour"

"Right. I forgot about you going on tour" 

"Lou.. We wont be going far. We won't even be leaving Europe. I'll fly you and Mason over to one of the Paris shows. You can come to the UK shows too if you want"

"Yeah alright. Mason will probably love seeing you up on stage. I'll make the appoinmet for next week some time alright? i've got to go" 

"Yeah alright. I'll talk to you later. Bye"

"Bye. Wait a second" Harry looks down at his bed wating for Louis to come back.

"Hi dada. I at nana's" Harry smiles hearing his sons voice.

"Hey bub. Are you being good?"

"Yes. I good boy"  

"I know you are. Be good for daddy. I've got to go now. i'll see you soon alright?"

"I good. Bye" The line goes dead before Harry can speak. Harry hangs up his phone, leaving it on his bed. He leaves his room and orders pizza, to lazy to cook anything.



 Louis sets up the appointment for a Tuesday. He meets Harry in the hospital then takes him up to the Fourth floor where Mason's doctor is located. Louis signs in and waits for the doctor to call them through. Harry got a few looks from the two security men he had with him. Mason refused to sit in his stroller opting to sit with Harry instead.

After a few minutes Harry and Louis were called back. They took blood from both Harry and Mason then took some hair and skin samples. Louis watches on as Harry comforts Mason after he had his blood drawn. Mason hates needles even as a newborn baby he screamed and cried when having his immunizations.

After they had finished at the hospital Harry asked Louis to come back to his house for a while. Louis agreed and met Harry at the gate leading into the parking garage.

"Welcome to my house" Harry said as he let Louis and Mason inside. Mason ran straight for the cat Harry had called Smokey. Every time mason comes home from Harry's he asks if they can get a cat too but Louis has to say no every time because his house doesn't allow pets.

Louis follows Harry into the kitchen taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"Harry i got a job offer" Louis been waiting to tell Harry. He found out last week. Louis applied to a child care that was in the center of London.

"Ah cool Where is it?" Louis smiles taking a sip of the water Harry set in front of him.

"At a child care. One of the ones in central London. It pays well and i get discounted fees for Mason"

"What about your designing job?" Harry asks confused because he thought Louis loved his job.

"I had a conflict with one of my co-workers and i wasn't being paid as much as i should have been. I just wanted to do something else" Harry nods sipping his water.

"Tell me the real reason you needed the DNA test done" Louis says because he knows its not because of Harry's management.

"Um.. Please don't freak out on me but i kind of had an thing with one of the boys during X-Factor and i think he's jealous. He keeps saying your faking Mason being mine and your only doing it for money and fame. I want to prove him wrong with hard evidence so he will leave us all alone" Louis stares at Harry trying to process everything Harry just said.

"Oh. Who is it?" Harry shakes his head sighing.

"I'm not telling you because he doesn't matter. You matter and Mason matter now. He's my past. Your my future"

"I'm also your past Harry" Harry takes Louis hand and lifts his chin up with his finger.

"Your the past that matters. The past i want to be my future" Louis may or may not have teared up a little at that.






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