twelve | アンナ

322 17 1

  アンナ  | anna

 Yuki had nowhere else to go. She ended up in front of the HOMRA because she knew that was the one place Saruhiko wouldn't go. Walking in, she was greeted by Anna, who hugged her and she invited her to sit down as they drank together.

"I know why I was destined to meet Saruhiko now, Anna." Yuki said, "We were together in the past, but that ended badly, just like it did in the present."

Anna looked at the young woman with her red eyes, feeling sympathetic at her fate.

"What's different this time, Yuki?" She asked.

"This time, we're not going to end up together, because if we do, Saruhiko will die like he did before." She answered, "So I have to go forth with the plan, and marry Reisi, so that the Slates will be in good hands, and so Saruhiko will continue to live."

"Does he know that you're doing this for him?"

Yuki shook her head, "It's better for him to not know. I don't want him to live with that kind of guilt-ridden conscience. It's best he continues to live even if he hates me."

"Yuki-chan," Anna called, "what you're doing, it's to protect all the kings, right?"

"It's not just that, Anna. It's to keep the balance of the Slates and to make sure that the power doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

Kusanagi heard the conversation going on between the two kings, and he couldn't help but feel sad for the fate of Yuki and Saruhiko. He knew Saruhiko had troubles in expressing himself, so to find someone that he could share his emotions with, and have her having to marry someone else, must've been hard for him.

"Yuki, you're welcome to stay here if you wish, while everything dies down a little. I can inform Reisi for you." Anna told her.

"I'd like that very much." She said with a smile, "But, Anna, tell Reisi to not tell anyone else where I am, especially Saruhiko."

Anna nodded and contacted Reisi to inform him. Yuki finished her alcoholic drink in one go, and Kusanagi began speaking to her.

"Why Reisi?" Kusanagi asked.

"Would you rather I marry the demon that plans to give away the powers of the Slates to everyone freely?" She said.

"Why must you marry another king anyways?"

"My abilities, allow me to merge with the abilities of another king. I was able to do that with Mikoto, and Weismann too. Reisi is currently the guardian of the Slates, which means he is capable of handling their abilities, and he's mature enough to know it was bound to come to this." Yuki explained, "He is the strongest King at the moment, and it was always going to end up like this to avoid catastrophe."

"I see." Kusanagi said, "That's tragic for you and Saruhiko."

"I doubt he even liked me to begin with. He just treated me as if I were some annoying brat he had to care for."

"You should know this, Yuki," Kusanagi told her, "Saru doesn't care for people he doesn't want to even if he were given orders to."

In the recovery room in Scepter4's home base, Saruhiko had heard the commotion of Yuki going missing. It made his heart race with worry at how the enemy clan could've captured her.

He had the worst case scenario playing in his head, and it terrified him completely.

Still injured, he walked out of the room and saw how hectic the situation was. Locating Awashima, he stopped her to ask what was going on.

"We can't find Yuki, and the Silver King can't seem to locate her either. We can't have her abilities being used by the Green clan, and if the worst case scenario happens, we'll have no hope."

He could feel the tension, and the anxiety running through him. But everyone quickly fell silent once the Blue King entered the office area.

"Captain, there have been no signs of Sakamaki-san anywhere." One of the members said.

"It's alright." He assured them, "Calm down. She's fine. You may stop your search and get back to your usual work."

Saruhiko was confused at how calm and collected Reisi was. He wanted to know where she was, so he followed Reisi to his office and asked him.

"Where is she?"

"She told me to not tell anyone where she is. I want to respect her decision." He explained, "Something tells me you two had a fallout during the time you just awoken."

He fell silent and gritted his teeth with guilt.

"Fushimi-kun, you should know we are not uniting with one another because we have emotions towards one another. It's simply to protect the Slates. You may not understand it, but that is the burden Yuki has to carry, and she didn't mean to hurt you in the process of conduting he responsibility."

"I know that." He responded, "I just-"

"You felt jealousy, didn't you?"

He didn't answer, and his silence was more of a yes than anything else.

"I know you'll go after her no matter what I say, so I'll just wish you luck if you are to find her." Reisi said with a smile, and Saruhiko dashed out and grabbed his coat, rushing to go look for her.

Reisi felt proud as he saw Saruhiko running out of the home base, knowing he had enough emotions to feel such ways for another person.

"I must be a fool." Reisi said to himself, "she has no emotions towards me." Fixing his glasses, he went back to his desk to continue his work.

The White Queen || f.s. (DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu