seven | 秘密

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秘密 | secret

In the cold of the snow, Yuki had found the Blue King that she was to meet. But the mark on her hand made her question what the cards had in store for her.

Scepter4 were surprised at how the King was being so kind to her. There was no denying the Blue King's big heart, but this time, it was a different kind of kindness - not of a king, but just of an ordinary man.

He had placed his coat over her dress, and the two walked side by side to the vehicle before them.

"Team, retreat and return to home base." Awashima said, and they all agreed to do so. But once the men were nearing the King's vehicle to drive him, he simply refused.

"I will take the White Queen to our base personally." He assured, "Do not worry about my well-being."

They were taken by surprise. The King sometimes did prefer to drive on his own, but never without his men, and the thought of Yuki being alone with Reisi somehow made Saruhiko's hands turn into fists.

The one to notice his sudden sternness was Awashima, and she couldn't help but smile at the thought that hit her.

So he's a boy after all, huh. She thought to herself before going back to Scepter4's home base.

Throughout the drive, Yuki remained silent and Reisi was focusing on the road ahead. Once they arrive, they were greeted by the Blue clansmen and Yuki simply followed Reisi to his office, and the doors were locked immediately after.

"I trust you know the situation between the Kings and the Slate, Sakamaki-san." He said.

"Yes. The Gold King is dead, and the Silver King is missing. The Red King is now a twelve-year-old girl who is more than capable of handling such abilities and the Blue King is running out of time." She stated.

Reisi smiled, "Nothing ever escapes your eyes, now, do they." He was amused by her intelligence, "But other than that, you know your destiny in making sure the Slates are secured, right?"

"I do." She said, "But there is another way, and I think the Silver King will agree with me on this one. But he has been missing in action all this time. I just wish I could talk to him about it. But until then, you do know the actual plan, right?"

Reisi nodded. Yuki felt a sense of guilt hitting her, and she asked him once more, "Are you alright with this, Reisi?"

He gave her a smile, "You don't have to worry about me. We all have our part to play, and this time, you can count of me. You don't have to go in hiding ever again."

She can't help but smile at how Reisi was taking everything in so easily. She felt as if it had made things a little bit easier for her.

"We should at least get to know each other a little bit better, don't you think? It would be easier for us to help each other." Reisi suggested, "How about having dinner later?"


Yuki left the office, and she noticed Fushimi waiting for her with Awashima. She didn't know what to say to the both of them, and Awashima stated, "By order of the Captain, you will be under the protection of Scepter4, and Fushimi will be your minder throughout the time you are with us."

She heard a click of the tongue from Saruhiko, but choosing to ignore it, she gave a smile and agreed.

As Awashima left the two of them be, Yuki asked him, "You don't happen to know where Yuto is, do you?"

"Beats me." He answered.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He's stronger than you think."

"This is a waste of time. Why should I be the one babysitting you?" He asked.

"Saruhiko," Yuki called, "if I need to go somewhere, will it be troublesome for you to follow me?"

"Yes." He answered bluntly, and she realised she had her hopes up too high.

"I can go by myself, you don't have to mind me. I'll be back in a short while." She told him, but then he grabbed her arm and sighed in frustration.

"You clearly don't understand the definition of my current task, do you? It's to be at your disposal." He stated, "I have to follow you. Just tell me where we're going."

"I need to see the Red King." She answered.

Saruhiko's face changed, and Yuki tilted her head to the right, wondering why his expression changed.

"What's the matter?" She asked, "I can go on my own."

"Nevermind, lets just get this over with." He said, leading her out of the base, his hand unknowingly still holding onto her arm.

Saruhiko has pretty hands. Yuki thought to herself as she smiled.

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