morning trouble

Mulai dari awal

"I'm Sori. Do you happen to know who kidnapped us and what happen to those people?" I asked before taking a breath in. She is right though. Screaming for help would be useless. It's purge night. No one is going to save anyone tonight. And no one is going to care about anyone's life.

"No idea. I'm lost just like you. The only thing I do know is that we are all number and put into groups of two. The girls on our right are number 24 and 16. My number is 81 and your number is 47." She moved her eyes down to my right leg. And hanging off my leg was a piece of paper with the number 47.

"What the hell?" I snapped.

Things were quiet for a second as I tried to understand what was going on. Me and Jimin were kidnap off the streets and someone took us here. Whoever kidnapped us also kidnapped a bunch of people. Have they been doing this all night.

"12, 43, 24, 16, 89, 37, 81, and 47. Girls it's time!" A man yelled. A second later a door open behind us as my heart started to race once again. I could hear maybe three people behind us as one of them started heading towards Sorn.

"Oh she's pretty!" One of the guys said as he went behind Sorn.

"And if you touch what you can't have, you won't be able to touch not even yourself after tonight. Try me-" Sorn was brave I'll give her that but the other guy slapped her so hard it made me gasp.

"Don't fuck with us girl. And you either." The one man growled pointing at me. I flinch for a second as I felt someone cut the rope behind me.

"You two will be in a game tonight so make sure you are in your best shape." The man spoke as he looked at me and Sorn. I stood up for a second before I felt something hit my arm. I turned around to see a man wearing a mask. In his hands was a bottle of water. I almost snatched the bottle of water out of his hands as I almost drunk half the bottle in one golp. As I looked in front of me Sorn was doing the same. I guess we didn't think we were that thirsty until we saw a bottle of water.

"What kind of game?" Sorn asked as she took deep breaths in after drinking so much water.

"Game of survival. Only five people will be let free tonight and only after the rest of people are killed. There is only three rules. Listen closely girls. Rule number one. You can only kill someone, no rape is allowed. But I know that doesn't usally happen within woman. Rule number two. No matter what don't try to escape. You can't do it so don't even try. And rule number three. You have to at least kill someone to be let free. This game isn't only to survive. But to also be let free." The man handed both me and Sorn a small piece of paper before walking out the room.

I looked down at the small paper for it to only read 47. I looked over at Sorn who was placing her paper on her shirt. I just did the same before a man jerked me by my arm. Sorn was right behind me as we started walking down a hallway. We weren't the only ones. About six other girls were behind us.

One girl had on a pink jumpsuit with pigtails. She looked no older than fifteen but her eyes seemed like she had seen more than a fifteen should have seen. Two other girls were holding hands and by looking at them they looked to be twins. The other girls I didn't get to see all the way.

"There are eight girls and twelve boys. You have two hours to get those numbers down to five. Only five people will walk out of here alive." The man from before pushed me out a door as the other girls were behind me.

I was about to say something when all of a sudden I was pushed down before everyone started to run. I didn't know what to do as I just laid there.

"Get your ass up Sori. There's weapons over there! We need to get those weapons so we can go home." Sorn was trying hard to jerk me up but before I knew it I was pulled up from the ground so quickly I didn't know what hit me.

"She's right. You need to get up." A deep voice said. I turned around as Sorn quickly ran pass me towards something. But standing beside me was a tall boy. He must have been the one to pick me up.

"You found her!" I quickly jumped when I heard Jimin's voice coming from behind me. I felt my heart skip a beat as I saw Jimin unharmed. I quickly ran and gave him a hug. At first he didn't hug me back but then he pulled me closer to him.

"I got a gun!" Sorn shouted as she ran back to us.

"Gun is useless. You only have a few bullets. You need a knife. How about that?" The boy said as he pointed at something large. My eyes went wide as I saw Momo's sword hanging off a tree branch. I saw the pink jumpsuit girl start running for it. My feet started charging towards the sword as I heard Jimin and Sorn call out my name.

"That's my sword bitch! I saw it first!" The girl and I almost ran smack into each other as we tired to grab the sword.

And that's not your sword! That's Momo's sword! Hers! Not yours!

But to my fear she got it first.

And rule number three. You have to at least kill someone to be let free.

For Momo's sword. If I have to, I'll kill someone.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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