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Jimin's POV~

"I need her alive and well. If she has one little scratch on her, I will kill your friends without any regret. Got it." His voice was calm but cold at the same time. I could hear a slam and then a second later the phone clicked off. Even though I've never really met this person I already know him all to well. This person was the leader of almost everything in this country. He was the king of South Korea. Your cars, his father own. Your house, his father own. If not his father then him himself. His family was the cold heartless type to throw out a old lady just to build a new castle.

He own almost everything and he needed one last thing before his castle was complete. A queen. The only thing is that his queen was someone I knew. A girl I once found myself liking. A girl I found myself wanting to call my own just because of one day. Because of one milkshake. Because of one song.

But for once I had to sit my heart to the side for my friends are on his list if I don't find her in less then two hours. Before his private plane takes off to Jeju at six I must bring her to him without being harm.

I'm sorry Sori, but for my friends I'm willing to do it. But doesn't mean I won't come back for you. Because I will!

Sori's POV~

I was actually pretty glad I decided to sit beside Jungkook in the van because as we drove passed a group of people killing each other Jungkook covered my ears as I heard the people's scream for help, but I knew stopping to help would be useless. I would stop for one and then find twenty more. And I didn't know if I could keep watching until we saw something. Something that made us all stop. A truck drove passed us dragging behind a bunch of dead bodies. I started crying as I saw a young boy almost skinless dragging behind the truck.

"Don't look darling." Jungkook's voice was calming as he covered my eyes now. But I knew after tonight my eyes, brain, ears, and heart were scarred. Tonight's scenes will forever flash in my vision.

"These people are sick." Jin yelled as the truck drove away. Finally Namjoon started driving down another street as Jungkook pulled his hands away. I looked over at Sehun to see tears in his eyes. But his hands were closed shut. Like me he was filled with hate but knew it was useless. Those people were already dead and problely hundred more are as well. I was about to ask Sehun if he was alright when the whole van came to a stop. Yoongi slung up a little in his seat hitting the back of the other seat causing him to curse out loud.

"Watch it you dumbass we are back here without any seatbelts." Yoongi snapped slamming his fist against Namjoon's car seat. But it seemed like Namjoon wasn't even paying attention to Yoongi as his eyes just stayed glued outside. I peeped my head up only for my heart to skip a beat. In front of the van was a person we were looking for.

"Jimin!" Taehyung jumped out the van first followed by us all. I stayed behind Sehun as we all stood out the van just staring at Jimin. His eyes traveled around a little before they landed on me and Sehun.

"You know them?" Jimin asked Sehun and me. Sehun did most of the talking as I just stood behind him like he was my shield.

"Yeah, you know it's been a long night and we've been trying to look for your ass." Sehun snapped.

"Where's the crazy girl Momo at?" Jimin asked looking around. Oh no.

"Jimin." Namjoon whispered staring at Jimin. And here comes the dark clouds again.

"She's dead. Killed by this gang who we are trying to look for." I spoke up walking out from behind Sehun. It hurts but I'm not going down without looking for Momo's killer or killers. I will stand strong for her no matter what.

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