lost kittens

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I stood in the long line in the nearby grocery store with Momo on my left. Both me and her had load down our grocery cart with yummy snacks and drinks. I made sure to at least get me a frozen pizza since I didn't get any the night before.

"So who did your dad hire as a bodygarud?" Momo asked reaching behind a man to get two packs of her favorite pink strawberry gum.

"Some man named Johnny, I don't know why my parents can't just stay with me. This is just crazy." I gripped the shopping cart in my hand as we waiting for the couple before us to get through. I guess we weren't the only ones to go shopping because this store is loaded in people. Mostly families. There is a little girl behind me with her stuffed animal. She is holding onto her mother's hand for dear life. Like I wish I could do my own mother's. But no...both her and dad have to leave today. This is just messed up.

We thought we would be the only ones in the store but it seems like everyone is preparing for tomorrow night. See that's my other question...WHY THE HELL IS IT AT NIGHT? Like really, so it just makes it more scary, makes it harder to see, and makes it more difficult for me to even try and sleep. Not saying I'll get a second of shut eye, but at least I could try and fool my brain into thinking so.

"What time does your parents leave again?" Momo asked as we finally were able to start placing our items at the cash register.

"Around six. Their plane leaves at seven thirty but they are taking a taxi to the airport. Dad said they shouldn't be back until Sunday so until then they are leaving their car behind. Tonight before I go the bed I have to park it inside the garage just in case some kids try and mess with it. You know my dad worries more about his damn car then his only child." I reached down picking up a pink flashlight looking back up at Momo.

"What? You said to get a flashlight. I got pink. Please don't tell me you got that ugly yellow one." Momo asked snatching the flashlight from my hands.

"No, but maybe a black or navy blue one would have done good. Pink and yellow will stand out really bad if something would-"

"Nothing is going to happen Sori. Man you sound more like Sehun by the minute. By the way are you still banding Sehun from your house?" Momo asked. We started grabbing our bags as the cashier lady started placing them in the bag. I heard a few moans and growls from the other people behind us, but we just ignored them getting our stuff. You can wait like the rest of us did.

"Yes." I said annoyed.

"Maybe Sehun needs a friend. I actually would let him stay over if my parents weren't home. Who knows maybe having Sehun around will be good? I mean do you really wanna be all alone?" Momo asked smirking.

"I don't know. I'll think about it tonight and give Sehun my finally answer tomorrow." I pulled out my wallet paying for the items we had. Wow just for one night I got over sixty items and we still have one more place to stop by.


"Are you sure this is a good neighborhood?" Momo had her arm clinched tightly around mine as we walked down the creepy street. It wasn't helping that the sun was going down and it was getting more colder by the minute.

"Yeah. Wonwoo use to know this guy down here named Rick who use to sell these...weapons for a good price." I looked down at the old piece of paper I had. I can't believe I found this address after all this time.

"Well Wonwoo was a creepy guy himself so I could see him luring around these streets." Momo said. I pulled her with me as we crossed the street passing by a group of guys who stared at us like we were some lost kittens.

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