"Well yea… I…" Beca was floundering for something (anything) to say that would reinstate order to this conversation.

"You were talking to my best friend about how you only saw me as a friend?" Chloe questioned, obviously hurt by the thought.

"What the… what the hell conversation did you hear?!" Beca's jaw dropped (seriously, was she being punk'd?). "I confessed my love for you in that conversation!"

"Love?" Chloe entire world took a time out when she heard the word (talk about the conversation taking a positive turn around).

"Liking…" Beca backtracked, her eyes going wide in her head. "I confessed my uh… my great liking for you!"

"You said love!" Chloe's finger pointed accusingly at Beca. "You… love! You said love!" She took a step closer, still waving her finger like a manic.

"You're going to poke my eye out," Beca replied, leaning her head back to avoid the rogue finger. "You… my eye! You're going to poke it out!" She mimicked Chloe's tone, all the time trying to simultaneously fight off a smile.

"I don't care!" Chloe laughed, literally unable to contain her excitement. "You love me… this is amazing."

"Wait… this from the girl that two minutes ago was saying she only saw me as a friend?" Beca couldn't help but ask, feeling right now like she was trying to hold a conversation with a schizophrenic.

"I uh… I was employing a tactic of self-preservation," Chloe explained meekly, her enthusiasm suddenly waning.

"And just think how much easier it'd have been if you were honest?" Beca smirked, a giddy feeling rising in her chest, closer and closer to the surface each second.

"And just told you that I think I love you too?" Chloe smiled, the sides of her mouth crinkling when she watched the way Beca's eyes lit up (though stoic as ever, she tried not to let it show on her face).

"Yea, something like that," Beca nodded, doing her upmost to play it cool.

"Well then… one hundred per cent honesty from now on, cool?" Chloe smiled, taking a step closer with that look in her eye.

"Cool…" (though it sounded more like "ool" because suddenly Beca's throat was very dry).

"Starting with the fact that I've had a crush on you since I first saw you," Chloe began. "And taking you here was my fantasied way of getting you to like me back…" she admitted somewhat timidly.

"Well it worked… so we're cool," Beca laughed.

"Good… I just figured I'd let you know anyway, now that we're being honest," she elaborated, taking the final step to close the gap between them.

Beca's hands went on instinct to Chloe's hips, and she felt herself pushed gently back onto the mattress as Chloe stepped in between her legs, the red heads own hands resting on Beca's shoulders. Each second their faces moved millimetres closer, their breaths tickling one another's lips as they savoured each moment.

"Wait!" Beca would look back on this moment, and that exact word, twenty years from now, and probably still kick herself. "If we're being honest there's something I want to say," she blurted out, her breath still hot against Chloe's cheek.

"This so isn't what I had in mind for honesty," Chloe groaned, pulling her face back so she could actually look the brunette in the eye without going cross eyed in the process. "Though by all means, continue."

"I uh… I know about your dad," Beca confessed meekly.

"Excuse me?" The harsh hollowness in Chloe's tone had not been something the DJ was expecting.

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