The fire clicked off as he moved the kettle. Grabbing two cups he poured the tea. The light orange liquid filling up the cups. He added a small scoop of sugar, a bit of milk and spoonful of honey, drizzeling it expertly over the tea.

       "Its Chamomile." He said, as we walked passed the living room out into the open veranda. Seating ourselves in the sleek white chairs I took a sip of the tea.

       "This is delicious." I gasped as I stared at the white porcleain tea cup.

        Noel just flashed me a crooked smile as I drank the rest of the sweet goodness.


  It must have been nearly six in the morning now. We watched silently as the sun rose. Peaking over the black painted woods. The mixed hues of light pink, lazy orange, and golden yellow swirled, basking the plump clouds in color.

     "Thanks Noel."

     "Anytime love." He replied

I waved goodbye as I walked up the stairs to my room. Climbing back into bed I yawned as a peaceful sleep set in.

   * * *

Buzz.. Buzz.. Buzz...

The vibration of my cellphone startled me awake.

"Hello?" I croaked out.

"HAPPY SEXY SEVENTEEN!!" Voices screamed through my phone assaluting my ears with their loud voices.

I snorted. "You guys have way too much time on your hands during the summer."

"Well get up lazy bones the sexy awesomeness isn't going to wait on your arse." Jas yelled through the phone.

With a roll of my eyes I flipped my phone open. Setting the speaker phone on I got dressed for the day ahead.

"You better dress snazy or I'm marching up the stairs and dressing you up myself!" Iz threatened an icy edge in her cheerful voice.

I stiffened. Iz was a beast when it came to fashion. With a sigh I reluctantly stripped of my jeans and t-shirt. Slipping into my short sleeved red, white, and black flower printed summer dress. I tugged on my tan brown flats.

  Pushing a wavy ebony curl out of my eye I applied on some light makeup. Hand moving delicately as my lashes were made thicker by the mascara.

Due to my tomboyish outfits throughout middle school, when freshman year was about to roll in I was induced into Isabelle's intense how to be a lady sessions the last week of summer break.

It was absolutely horrid but I guess it paid off in someways. Not that I'll ever admit that to her.

With one last check in the mirror, so as not to anger Iz with the work on my face. I entered the living room. Once again finding a round of happy birthdays and ear splitting grins thrown my way.

"Happy Birthday Ella." Noel said. A sweet smile gracing his face.

This boy and his dimples will be the death of me.

"Well let's get going, the fun's not going to start by itself." Jas said.

With that we all exited the house. Walking across the lawn.

"Wait! You forgot this!." Aunt Emilee poked through the door tossing a set of keys my way.

Giving her a quzzical look I unlocked the garage door. Watching as it slide open to reveal a red corvette.

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