Justin: Cowboy At Heart

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{{This is an ongoing story.  I will add more as I get more written and typed up.  Hope you enjoy!))


            Justin backed his mare into the heeler side of the box until her rump bumped into the back of the box.  The red roan snorted and tossed her head, her ears flicking as she watched the cow that was soon to be released.  Justin kept a tight grip on the reins while he shook out a loop in his lariat.  Sahara’s muscles quivered between Justin’s legs.

            He looked over at his younger brother who was maneuvering his piebald paint, Tigerlily into position.  “Don’t miss this time,” he teased his brother good-naturedly.

            Colton Pierce rolled his amber colored eyes.  “Speak for yourself.  I seem to remember someone broke the barrier last time,” he shot back, a smile teasing the corners of his lips.

            Justin chuckled, but didn’t get a chance to come back with a good retort before one of the wranglers snapped the gate open, releasing the calf.  Tigerlily half reared before darting out of the chute.  Colton was already swinging his rope over his head.  Sahara darted out behind Tigerlily, keeping the calf running straight for Colton.  The middle Pierce brother let his rope go, watching as the loop sailed over the calf’s head.  Justin’s rope followed a split second later.

            “4.9!” Red called, holding the stopwatch up.

            Justin and Colton grinned at each other.  It wasn’t their best time by a long shot, but considering they hadn’t practiced in a few days it wasn’t half bad.  They had just gotten home from a rodeo in Arizona and had given their horses a day to rest and recoup.  Not to mention themselves.  Although the four Pierce kids had jumped back into ranch life and daily chores around Whispering Pines.

            Colton stepped Tigerlily forward to loosen the rope while Justin loosened his rope and released the calf’s back hooves.  Colton trotted his horse back down the arena.  Justin turned Sahara to follow, but the roan stood stock still, her ears twitching.

            “Hey cowboy!  How about you keep a girl company for a bit?”

            Justin turned around in his hand tooled roping saddle and grinned.  His spunky baby sister was leaning against the fence, one booted foot on the bottom rung.  Her raven hair was pulled back in its signature braid down her back and her silvery eyes shined underneath the brim of her sand colored Stetson.  He had to keep reminding himself that his little sister wasn’t so little anymore.  Her and Wyatt were 25 already.  Dang it!  He was no spring chicken either.  He had just turned 31 and Colton was 28.  Where had the time gone?

            “And just where would such a pretty little lady want to go with this worn out cowboy who just got home from the circuit?” he asked cheerily.

            Shayna rolled her eyes and put her hands on her curvy hips.  “How do you put up with him when you travel, Colt?”

            Justin feigned hurt while Colton chuckled.  “You get used to him after awhile.  Besides, someone has to do it.”

            “Hey!” Justin exclaimed.  “Alright, Shay.  What do you really want?  Besides to torment me.”

            It was easy to see that the siblings enjoyed teasing each other.  Justin swung off Sahara and walked over to Shayna.

Justin: Cowboy At HeartWhere stories live. Discover now