{5} Just the Beginning

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Amira Sarker

Currently, I was in lunch. I talked to my friends as if the events of yesterday never happened. I was very good at concealing my feelings. I didn't want to burden my friends with my problems when they were going through their own. Plus, it felt nice to forget about yesterday and enjoy myself.

"Theo James is so hot. I'm not even joking," gushed Meredith.

I raised my eyebrows at this. Theo James was this actor. He played Tobias Eaton in 'Divergent.' I admit he was cute, but I wouldn't go boy crazy about it.

"I swear you are too obsessed with him. You barely know the guy for heaven's sake!" laughed Lucy.

"I agree. Sure the guy is cute, but not like crazy hot," I said.

"Oh shut up. A girl can dream," Meredith playfully glared.

"Hey! Telling people to shut up is my thing!" exclaimed Tasneem.

"Oh, whatever. Everyone tells people to shut up," remarked Lucy.

"Yeah but the way I say it is way cooler," argued Tasneem.

Tasneem and Lucy continued their silly argument. Meredith and I just laughed at their comebacks. I noticed that one member from our group stayed silent and looked as if she was in deep thought about something. Aria was looking across the room. I followed her gaze and saw she was looking at Mark's table.

He was laughing with his friends. There was a girl seated right next to him. She touched his biceps, twirling her hair and giggling at whatever he just said. Mark didn't seem to realize her obvious attempts at flirting.

I looked back to Aria. Her eyes were glistening. Her once electric blue eyes turned stormy. It was clouded with hurt and betrayal. I was sitting next to her, so I grabbed one of her hands. This seemed to get her attention.

"Talk to him," I whispered.

She rubbed her eyes to rid the tears. "He really is losing interest in me. Isn't he?" she asked, brokenly.

"I can't say. But if he does, it's his loss. You're an amazing girl. You have a kind and pure heart. You're selfless in your deeds and try your best to become a good person. If he doesn't see that then he's an idiot. Talk to him about it. See what he says," I told her softly.

She nodded her head but kept her head down. Her light brown hair covered her face. I saw a tear slip on her hand. I squeezed it in reassurance, my heart aching for my friend of many years.

"Some guys aren't worth the tears," I said.

I gazed around the lunchroom and my eyes landed on Damon. He was wearing a plaid shirt with jeans, an outfit far too casual than I expected for him. For a guy who had a whispering rumor about a major fight, I expected more of the bad boy, leather jacket and motorcycle look. The again, Damon was full of surprises.

I really hoped he forgot about yesterday, but only Allah knew. Damon was staring at his food, picking at it as his mind waivered. He seemed lost in thought about something. I turned my eyes away from him and paid attention to what my friends were saying.

Damon was just another boy, he isn't worth my thoughts.

* * * *

Lunch was over and I was walking to my science class. Science was my favorite subject. It always fascinated me especially how the body worked. Human health was interesting. Maybe that was why I wanted to be a doctor so much or a biomedical person. Organisms and microbiology really heightened my interest in learning form their complexity and their ability to regenerate easily if cells were healthy. Allah's creations surely were perfect and beyond amazing.

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