{3} Mystery Behind Eyes

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Amira Sarker

When I went home, I caught Tanwir eating my soft chocolate chip cookies. This jerk had the nerve to eat my cookies. I shook my head before I ran up to him, glaring.

"How dare you eat my cookies? They were for me," I whined.

He took another cookie and put it in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting.

"I didn't see your name on them. Besides, sharing is caring little sister," he smirked.

"Since when do you share? You never share with me so you can't say that," I retorted.

Just like that his smirk dropped and he glared at me. I took that chance and grabbed my cookies back, taking him by surprise.


"You snooze, you lose. Now leave me and my cookies alone," I huffed.

"Pig," he mumbled as he walked away from me.

"Excuse you mister but that is no way to talk to a lady," I said in a fake British accent.

He just walked off to his room. I took my cookies into my personal den, and I started to do my homework. After an hour or so, Aria had texted me.

Aria: Can I ask u something?

Me: Sure

Aria: Do u think Mark still likes me? I feel like he's avoiding me. I mean I feel like he's lost interest in me.

Say what now? The perfect couple was having relationship issues? That was unexpected. I thought Mark was crazy about her.

Me: Where is this coming from???

Aria: He ditched me for the last few days to hang out with this girl. It's his childhood friend. And I feel like he has some sort of strong feelings for her.

Me: I think he must just want to be around her for a while. Don't stress it. I know he really likes u. I doubt that he's gonna leave u for her.

Aria: Idk anymore. I really like him. But I'm also kinda hurt that he just ditched our plans and went with someone else.

Me: I agree that it wasn't right for him to ditch both of ur plans like that. Just give him some time. Give him space until then. Boys r idiots at romance. But ur quiet attitude should snap him out of it.

Aria: I'll try and thanks:)

I smiled; feeling satisfied that I could help my friends. Dropping my phone, I continued writing mathematical equations onto my notebook.

* * * *

Deciding to reward myself for my productivity, I went downstairs to watch a movie. I only turned on the television when Tanwir came downstairs; footsteps thundering against the staircase like a storm had followed him all the way down. He was about to walk out the door when I stopped him.

"Where are you going?" I asked, suspicious.

"Outside with my friends," was his blunt response.

"You shouldn't go outside now. Mum and Baba will be worried."

"I'll come back. Just don't say anything."

"Tanwir, you can't be serious? You're making Baba even more stressed than he already is. Can't you just listen to him for once?" I said while staring at him directly in the eye.

He walked a few steps closer to me until he was towering over me. I looked up not lowering my stance. I'm not going to let him scare me.

"You don't know shit. They never stood by me so why should I stand by them? You don't know what I'm going through. I suggest that you shut up or else," he whispered harshly.

"You misunderstood them then. They're trying to help you and you keep pushing them away. You keep throwing your religion away!" I yelled. Mum and Baba weren't home. They were shopping, so they weren't going to hear this.

He grabbed my arms roughly. "I'm not throwing my religion away! You don't know what I'm going through. Go back to your princess life. Go back to everyone giving you all the attention. Just shut up!"

"No! I won't! You're my brother. I'm supposed to help you. We're supposed to be there for each other. Why won't you let family help you? Why do you keep pushing them away? One day your family won't be there anymore. One day they will die and be gone-"

"Shut up! Don't say that! You know what? Just shut up. No one else has an annoying sister like you," he glared.

"I'm trying to help you! All you do is yell at me and hurt me! Can't you see that?" I desperately pleaded with him.

None of the worries of my day like my argument with Damon even mattered anymore. I just wanted my older brother to be as kind as he was when we were kids, when we were too pure to be tainted by a harsh reality, when we still had everyone in our family. I wished things would go back to normal again before that incident had happened.

He twisted my arms, making me wince in pain. It hurt, and I was holding back sobs. Pain erupted under his grip, and I tried to pull away. He was stronger than me, making my struggles useless. I bit my lip to hold back a cry, willing myself to stay strong. He didn't know what he was doing, I had to be calm.

"I hate you. I don't need your help. Don't ever ask or try again. This is a warning," he seethed, letting me go.

I fell to the ground and he left, shutting the door hard. I let the tears fall. I sobbed quietly and let out harsh breaths. He hurt me again and this time he gave me a threat. Why was he doing this? Oh Allah, please help me reach out to him. I was so scared for him and myself. Would he really hurt me more for helping him?

I wrapped a scarf around my head and went outside. I walked to a lake where no one goes to and sat at the bench. This was my quiet spot. I let all the tears out, all the pain and misery, all the aching need for my old life. It had been years since that day, yet the pain throbbed against my chest.

Death always rendered the weak in a state of mindlessness.

I cried and looked at my arms. Sure enough bruises were beginning to form. I was not going to give up. I was going to help even if it was the last thing I do, but at what cost?


What do you guys think of Tanwir and Amira's relationship? I know this is kinda a sad thing but stuff like this actually happen in the real world. Remember to vote, comment, and fan:)

 Remember to vote, comment, and fan:)

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