“Niall!” Miles summoned from downstairs.

I groaned and stood up, walking out of my room with a drag in my step.  I knew I needed to grow up about this, but I really wasn’t in the mood to sit at a table with two people I hated, and one person that I loved too much to see this happen to.  My mother was being trapped by Miles and his daughter, with their false sense of a complete family and the fear that this was the best it was gonna get.  I refused to believe that.

I trudged down the stairs and tried to lighten up about this.  I didn’t want my mom to be concerned about me.  And no matter how much I hated Miles, he was right that it would be selfish.  That was the last thing I wanted for my mother.

“Hey, are you alright?” my mother asked as I walked into the kitchen, all of them already sitting at the table

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

She looked a little skeptical for a moment, but Miles interrupted her thoughts.

“So, how was your day honey?” he asked Payton.

She looked bored and was playing with her food, probably because she didn’t want to sacrifice her precious figure.

“I don’t know,” she answered, rolling her eyes.

“You don’t know?  How would you not know?” Miles asked sarcastically, the only one at the table acting amused.

“Whatever.  I went to Brianna’s house and hung out,” Payton answered.

“Well, that sounds fun,” my mom tried to keep the conversation going.

“Niall, aren’t you gonna eat?” Miles looked towards my plate that I hadn’t touched and raised his eyebrows.

“Uh, yeah.  I’m just not that hungry, is all,” I mumbled, looking down at my lap.

I heard Miles scoff, and I looked up at him again.

“Well, your mother worked very hard on this meal, so show some respect and eat your food,” he went back to eating.

I picked up my fork and started to eat my food slowly as silence filled the room.

“Anyway, didn’t you have orientation at the waterpark today, Niall?” my mom filled the silence.

“Yeah,” I answered simply.

“Well, how was it?” she asked.

“It was long.  There are a lot of rules about working there.  I have my lifeguard test on Monday.”

“A little discipline will do you good.  A job is just what you need,” Miles spoke up.

I ignored him and sighed.  I didn’t want to satisfy him with a response.

It was almost unbearable to sit the rest of the meal with them.  I could tell my mom was struggling with keeping the mood light, and I felt bad that I was adding to the negative mood.  After we all finished eating, Payton immediately disappeared as my mom started to clear the table.

“Can I go up to my room now, please?” I asked.

“Bud, I think you should help your mom with the dishes first,” Miles nodded his head to me.

I narrowed my eyes.

“Why don’t you ever help with the dishes?”  I asked him.

He gave a small laugh and shook his head, when he realized that I was serious.

“Excuse me, young man, but I help a lot around the house.  I don’t see you ever doing anything.”

“Are you kidding me?  You never help.  Not you or Payton.  My mom and I are like slaves in our own home!” I was getting just a little upset now.

I wasn’t even just talking about the dishes now.  I was talking about all the times Miles pushed us around.

“The way you’re talking, I think we should ground you.  Maura?” he looked to my mom for her agreement.

She just looked at me sadly, like she didn’t know what to do.

“Come on, mom.  You know I’m right.  When has he ever made things easier for us?” I was pleading with her to say something, but she did what she always does.

She did nothing, and let Miles control her life.

“Apologize to me and your mother,” he crossed his arms and waited.

I shook my head and turned around to go to my room.

“Hey, don’t walk away from me!”

I ignored him and climbed the stairs two at a time, slamming my door shut and trying to calm my heart.  I heard my mother call my name, but I didn’t want to see her after that.  She never stood up to Miles, even when she knew he was being harsh.  I’m not even his son.  Why should he be the one to decide what’s best for me?

I looked at the clock.

8:42 p.m.

I’d never done anything like this, but I just needed to get out of the house.  I walked hastily to my closet, grabbing my swim trunks.  I slid off my shorts and drew up the trunks.  I pulled on my vans and grabbed my keys, marching out of my room and down the stairs.  I ignored Miles and my mom’s exclamation of surprise as I walked past them and out the front door.  I climbed into my car quickly and took a moment to collect myself, before I pulled out of the driveway, heading towards the waterpark.

Looks like I was going to that party after all.

You Looked Lost (Narry Lifeguard AU)Where stories live. Discover now