i. from Gruvian, 118

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THOUSANDS have died in the hands of monsters, your Majesty. We have cancelled plans and celebrations for the Moon Fest, and have put our duchy under quarantine. I hope the other duchies are doing well.

We still do not know why the numbers of monsters are rising, however, we suspect that there has been a virus that turns our men to monsters. One girl has grown fangs, and the other has turned her eyes red, but however they turn, their actions also become monster-like and they become cannibals. Infected people die after a week or less.

I also heard an unusual story from some of our countrymen, your Majesty. That the monsters are summoned by the Queen of Hell, and that she is taking revenge on all Kingdoms. They often see a silhoutte or shadow of a lady by their doorsteps, whispering a phrase along with cries of monsters.

"La leyenda ha surgido." I believe it meant the legend has risen. Do you believe such things, your Majesty?

Duke Eleonor Gruvian
24th of April, 118
Duchy of Haran, Nieves Kingdom

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