Date with the Firsts: Cuddling with Fran

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After the long battle at Camelot, Ryan was ready to sleep for weeks. The Sixth Singularity was so horrible, the master of Chaldea was dreading the Sevens Singularity even more than he already was. Thanks to the Knights of the Round Table, the boy had to use Command spell and Command spell due to the power that Knights contained. He was so satisfied when he saw his versions of Artoria Pendragon brutally attack their older self beating the Lion King to a bloody pulp. After that, the Lancer Artoria told them everything they needed to know about Grand Caster's plan.

However, once he returned to Chaldea, the boy was so exhausted that he nearly collapsed. It must have been all the strain of the multiple uses of command spells he used and the lack of sleep from all of the late-night strategy meetings. Either way, Ryan was dead tired. Luckily, Mashu and the other servants were able to escort back to his room where he immediately passed out.

Now, as he woke up, the brown-haired boy immediately groaned as he still felt like a bag of lead. He was still being affected by his actions during the campaign in Camelot. However, that was when the boy noticed that he wasn't alone. He looked up to see a familiar Berserker class servant standing over him.

 He looked up to see a familiar Berserker class servant standing over him

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"Morning.....Husband...," Fran said with a soft smile on her face. "Sleep.....well?"

Ryan just smiled as he remembered when he first summoned the artificial woman; she couldn't even speak any words at all. "Morning Fran. I slept how long have I been asleep?"

The girl thought for a few minutes before she said, "Four...days. sleep."

"Hey! You said a sentence with four words in it! That's terrific!!" the boy said with a bright smile. "I'm so proud of you!"

Fran smiled brightly because her beloved master praised her. " It'"

The boy immediately began to panic. He knew that all of his girl servants wanted to go a date with him and so far he had been on six dates, but Fran was a particular case. After fighting her father and her evil twin sister, she had gotten a bit...obsessive. He still remembered when she smashed her hammer against Shiki during her irregular Singularity. Now he was scared if he even slightly messed up, he would get killed. Unfortunately, Ryan still wasn't in any position to go out on a date. Luckily, he thought of a plan that might save his skin.

"Well....I'm not in any mood to go anywhere, but if you can cuddle with me.," the brown-haired boy suggested as he prepared for the worst.

The girl again thought for a moment before answering. "Ok...move...over."

The boy moved over as the Berserker servant climb into bed next to him and snuggled into his chest with a smile on her face. He sighed as he silently prayed that Mashu or Jeanne Alter wouldn't walk into his room. The last thing he needed was a fight to break out amongst his female servants anymore. He didn't want his nightmare from three months ago to come true.

However, he was thrown out of his thoughts when Fran kissed him on the cheek. ""

Ryan sighed again as he kissed her on the forehead. "I love you if you don't mind, I'm going to go back to sleep, but you can stay here as long as you like. Just don't cause any trouble."

"Ok...," the girl said as she and her master began to drift off to sleep until the door suddenly opened.

"Hey, Ryan!! You awake yet---?" Jeanne Alter said before finding her love in bed with another woman as fiery aura appeared behind him. "You have five minutes to explain before I kill you both."

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