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Austin's POV

Karla. Karla. Karla.

She was so beautiful. She had these gorgeous big dark brown eyes and beautiful wavy hair and this adorable beauty mark on her left cheek and oh my gosh she was gorgeous. I've meet supermodels and none of them can compare to her. She was naturally beautiful and flawless to me.

"Austin? Austin? Are you thinking about that girl?" Alex asked being nosy.

"Maybe I am, so what?" I said a little annoyed.

"Austin, I know you like her but don't be rude to your friends." Thanks mom.

But honestly how could I not think about her? Even though she fell on me and embarrassed herself she was still the cutest girl I've ever meet.

"Let the boy be in love Alex." Robert said defending me.

"I don't love her. I just barely meet her but she is the most beautiful girl I've ever meet."

"Oh c'mon Austin, we all saw you. It was like love at first sight. That's why you just had to give her free tickets and backstage passes."

Robert wasn't wrong. I got butterflies when I first looked at her.

"How could you not fall for her though? Even though she fell for me first. She was beautiful and she had the cutest laugh and she was so sweet and ugh I just want to hold onto her and never let her go." I kinda babbled on a bit more.

"I'm already falling for her and I only know her name. Karla, Karla, Karla..."

I've never really been in love but if this is what it feels like then I'm just craving for more. I can just picture us so perfectly together. Traveling the world, moving in together, growing old together. I know it's a lot to think about for someone I just meet but god she was just so perfect.

"Why don't you ask her out when she comes to the concert?" Zach said.

"Should I? Would it be too soon? Do you think she has a boyfriend? She has to have a boyfriend, she's absolutely stunning."

Then the thought of that sunk in. She was gorgeous but could she have a boyfriend? Ugh I need to stop being negative. I think I might just surprise her with flowers and hope for the best.

"Try looking her up on twitter, maybe you can find out there." Robert suggested.

He's fucking brilliant.

I looked up "met Austin Mahone" to see if maybe she tweeted about meeting me and sure enough she did.



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