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Karla's POV

"Ugh, why are they taking so long????" I whined to my dad.

I wasn't exactly a fan of waiting. The only reason I had showed up to the airport was because I wanted to be the first one to see my family from Mexico. My aunt, my cousin, and my grandma were all flying in but their flight was delayed and on top of that they had to go through immigration. It was always a pain in the ass flying but it paid off.

"If we have to wait another hour, I will explode."

Another reason I wanted to come to the airport was because of the very very very small chance of meeting Austin Mahone. He was gonna have a concert in San Antonio in a few days so I was praying that by some small miracle we'd run into him at the airport.

"I think I see them!" My dad exclaimed pointing to the international luggage claim.

"Who? Austin or Nicole?" I shrieked enthusiastically.

"Your cousin silly. What are the odds of Austin actually being here sweetheart?"

Thanks for being a Debby downer dad. I already knew the chances were small but it was good to dream, right?

It turns out it was my family. We rushed over to them and tried to get their attention as quick as possible.

"Nicole!" I screamed immediately getting weird looks.

"Karla!" She screamed, a little less loud considering the stares we had already gotten.

Nicole was two years younger than me and she was practically like my sister.

As we all said hi and stuff I took one of Nicole's suitcase so she didn't have to lug around so much but let's just say that wasn't my best idea. I somehow tripped and fell on my butt and managed to also crash into someone. Not my best move.

"Oh my gosh, I am so so so sorry!" I tried explaining myself as quick as possible before they could even get mad. When I finally got off the ground and looked up to see who it was, Austin.

"Don't worry about it, it was an accident." He said smiling with the crew laughing behind him.

"You're Austin Mahone! Oh my gosh now I'm even more embarrassed. I'm so so so sorry! I know it's really weird asking this now considering I just fell on you but can I get a picture with y'all??" I babbled on.

"No problem." Austin said like nothing had happened at all.

I was taking a picture with Austin freaking Mahone. This was a once in a lifetime thing. Holy shit. I couldn't even believe this was happening.

"Are y'all coming to my concert this week?" Austin asked my cousin and I as soon as we got our picture.

"I wish! We're from Austin and we didn't have enough time to get tickets for the concert." I sad disappointed.

I had already seen Austin in concert a few times but I was always so far away and to have him here in front of me...

"You know what? I'm going to get y'all tickets and backstage passes, on me."

"Are you serious??? That'd be amazing! Thank you so much!"

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Austin was gonna give me tickets. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.

"The day of the concert just meet my mom and my aunt Lisa at the front entrance. They'll show you around. Well we better get going so we can rest. Nice meeting you again uh, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." Austin said with some confusion in his voice.

"It's Karla." I said smiling.

"Nice meeting you and your family Karla. I'll see you then." Austin said while walking off.

Holy shit.

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