Chapter 44- 'Hoy crap, I just poked my way to survival.'

Start from the beginning

I took my hands away from my neck when I was sure I had enough air, and with my arms I threw Miss Vines off of me until she landed on the floor by my bed. I quickly got to my knees on the bed and attempted to crawl off of it and towards the door to let the others in, but I felt her hand grip my ankle and pull me back. She grabbed the back of my shorts and top, and with a scream yanked me onto the floor right with her.

My back hit the nightstand by my bed, the light in the room shaking a little as the lampshade almost fell off. She frantically came at me, her hand gripping the top of my hair as she raised her fist and sent it clashing towards my face. I felt the pain at my cheek instantly, but brushed it off as I tried to fight her off me.

For a few minutes, we were scrapping. I mean like proper brawling, like you would see two High School girls who just started arguing because they wanted the other to stay away from their man. There were slaps being thrown, punches being swung and hair being pulled (from her end obviously. Bitch) and the entire time someone on the other side of the door was attempting to kick it down.

In the midst of her fighting, she somehow managed to get one of her hands around my neck again and I immediately started to panic. Being strangled once was enough for one night.

“He has to lose two!” She cried inches from my face, the anger in her stare pulsating. The fact that her eyes were almost red with rage didn’t help, especially since one was still watering and bloodshot from my jab.

I wasn’t letting this maniac make me lose my breath again. In a panic my hand went back behind me. My hand started to search frantically for something, anything that I could use to get her off. I briefly noted a phone charger and what I’m assuming is an eye liner pencil. Neither good enough to get this little rat bag off of me.

My hand went over the lamp, and in desperation I made a quick decision. I grabbed it, and with all my might swung my arm around so the metal lamp hit her straight in the temple. That blow must have instantly made her dizzy. Her grip on me loosened, and I took this as my opportunity to end this bullshit.

I pushed her off me completely, pulling my arm back and hitting her again. She was on her knees, her body slightly swaying from the blow. It wasn’t enough. With my teeth gritted and an almost animal like growl, I yanked the lamp so hard that the plug ripped out of the wall. The room was instantly plunged into darkness.

I didn’t care in the slightest. I got to my knees and again sent another blow to her head. This one knocked her on her back, and instead of stopping I crawled towards her until I was kneeling by her side. I raised the metal lamp over my head and with a scream sent it back down. I repeated this over and over, until I could hear the bone in her head cracking and I could feel the warm liquid that I later registered as her blood hitting me in the face.

Yet even as I kneeled there, covered in blood long after I had delivered the final blow to her skull, I still didn’t stop. I didn’t even stop when I registered that my door was no longer there, and three figures stood frozen in shock by the door watching me as I continued to lay blow after blow to the woman who started this nightmare.

“Summer!” Archie was the first out of the three to move, running towards me and grabbing the lamp in mid-air to pull it from my grip. I had so much adrenaline in my body, so much anger. I let out an almost desperate scream as I stared down at the blood, bone and skin that were embedded into my carpet. She was unrecognisable; I didn’t have a doubt in my mind dental records would be needed to identify her.

My chest was rising up and down uncontrollably as I tried to catch my breath, my eyes finally leaving Miss Vines and looking up at my parents. They were standing by the door with their eyes wide in horror as they looked at the corpse on my bedroom floor. I then glanced up at Archie, who still had the bloody lamp in his hand.

His eyes were looking between me and Miss Vines, but there wasn’t just shock on his expression. I didn’t miss the relief as he saw the woman who had made our lives hell finally gone.

I was still kneeling on the ground and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath as I sat back on my legs. I ran a hand over my face, and when I pulled it away even my own eyes widened in astonishment as I saw all the blood.

Archie looked me straight in the eye “Fucking hell Carrie.”

I wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t stop looking at the blood on my hands.

I killed someone. I actually took someone’s life and ended it.

I didn’t know what to feel. So many emotions rushed through me. I felt relieved, but I couldn’t ignore this sinking feeling in my stomach as I looked at what I did.

Another feeling I registered very clearly was sympathy.

Not for Miss Vines, she was a horrible evil person who deserved everything and more. No, what I remember feeling as I knelt beside the corpse of the person I just killed was sympathy for none other than Alex Henderson.

This was how he felt. For so many years, this is how he felt thinking that he had killed Roger. No matter how evil someone is, ending someone’s life is not as straight forward as you would think.

As I sat there trying to pin point every single emotion that flooded through me, Archie had an emotion of his own that he needed to express.

Just as he did that time on the roof with Bradley, he took one tiny step forward and spat down at the corpse of Hailey Vines.

“Say hi to your brother for me, you crazy bitch.”

The End of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now