She detested the idea that the devil presented her with, that she had to suffer the same amount every time that this fiend decided it on a mere whim. But really, the nun had no choice but to let the creature have it's way with her, after all, she belonged to him as much as it's hellish aptitude belonged to her. It was a somewhat even trade. "You nauseate me, demon. How can you even talk with such slick tongue when it only spits such vile words?" The maiden huffed, before pushing herself away from the hellish deity, only now taking note that she was back in full attire again; like even the robes the demon had torn apart had just repaired overnight, like nothing ever happened.

The blond fiend nonchalantly ascends from the plank bed with a elegant motion, casually laying back whilst hovering mid air without even having to move it's squamose, bat like wings. "I 'ave a talent for being contemptuous, ya know, being a demon n' all thats what I do best. All jus' for ya personal displeasure, m'lady" The creature mocks the nun skittishly. The young maiden turns up her head vainly, straightening her headpiece to cover the stands of h/c hair hanging down from below it.

"Just vanish already you no-good devil. I don't want to see your stupid grin unless I call upon it, now perish, I must attend the prayers." She muttered bitterly, getting a high strung laugh in return. "See ya then little nun, I'll be watching over ya~" The hellish creature coos, before receding from view in a puff of soot. With that, the maiden swiftly makes her way out of the dormitories and towards the Night Stair in order to attend the early morning prayers, to the girls great displeasure, as her mind was really not in order to even recall her lines.

She merely mumbled along half heartedly, her mind however mainly stuck on the the last evening, on that pleasurable liquid heat in her guts that boiled up every time she thought of it. She couldn't explain it, but something about last night had thrilled her like nothing else ever had. And for a lack of better words, she had taken some pleasure in the creatures touch, in it's ardent, pachydermatous touch of distilled iniquitousness.


So once the prayers were over and done with, and the other nuns were headed to the Frater, Y/N was busy sneaking away from the usual group. She was headed somewhere entirely different, the confessional to be exact. The young women was in desperate need to talk some pain off her corrupted soul; needed to salve her tormented mind. And since she knew the priest well enough, she decided she might as well confess to her transgressions against the holy spirit. So when she kneeled down in the small cabin of the Confessional, closing the carvings covered, small wooden door behind her in order to lock herself in complete darkness, patiently awaiting the priest to call her up for confession; she was almost a bit startled when her demonic pet decided to suddenly appear behind her in a cloud of lampblack smoke.

"G' day little nun, ya tryin' t' wash ya pitiful soul clean after gettin' fucked by a incubus? Hehe, Too cute." The fiend purred close to her ear with the usual scorching breaths, letting it's freakishly, serpent like tongue slither against the nape of her neck. The young maiden winced at it's sudden appearance, however unmoved from her kneeling position in the dark, narrow compartment. The evil spirit meanwhile nestled his bare, sinew torso against her from behind, legs resting on either side of her flanks. "Shush you Rat, I didn't call you, did I now? Go away you nuisance before someone spots you, demon." She muttered, eyes remaining fixed to the small window in the Confessional that parter her cabin from the one the priest normally sat in.

"Oh don't even worry 'bout it sweetie, no one here except for ya can see or hear anything I say or do as long as I don't want em' to. You on the other hand, are talking t' air right now." The creature announced, it's slim, squamous tail skittishly skittering under her skirt in order to snake around her thigh; it's pointy edge mischievously proding against her inner thigh, forcing her to part her legs in order not to injure them. The young nun shivers at the suggestive touch as the demon victoriously snickers close to her ear, but ultimately decided to ignore it, unwilling to give the demon ist sick kicks by squirming for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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