1= Lost Soul

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Silence, a small town somewhere in Europe, the mellow gusts of air striving past the fields in gentle sways as the moon travels it's way past the night sky. No creature dares to speak or cry, not to disturb the serenity of mortal sleep, the dreams of light and dark alike. All humans cast in slumber in this small town, all except for one troubled soul, restless and alone in her chamber; gazing out on the tranquil sight.

A young maiden, a nun to be exact, all she owned was her name, Y/N. Of no heritage or fortune, expectations fixed to the simple life of following god's path, like a sheep lost in the mindless herd.

But what could she do, as a woman of her time, rights were not a thing she owned; her existence was established by the church she lived in. Her parents had given her here at a young age, unable to feed her on their own. That still haunted her to this day, the truth not even her own family had the love to keep her around, the dedication to let her live a at least acceptable life with the outlook on more then prayers and the empty promises of a happier afterlife.

But she didn't want to waste her life as a simple nun, there had to be more in this life. Plain and simple as she is, leaning against the window of her chamber, lost in thoughts of today should be the night to do what she had planned for so long.

Her h/c hair hidden under the formal cap she was not allowed to be without, hid not only her full appearance; but also tied her to a life of regrets. Never able to live out as she had dreamed to, never even allowed to know the love of anyone but her religion. A religion who she never even chose in the first place, nore one she wanted for that matter.

If it was for her, she would have run of with some wealthy merchant, or maybe even went away to far lands from the one she had to be caught in. But no, how could she, this was the life she had been cast into; but not without the intention to change so.

Her feeble, pale fingers clasped onto a dark red book, a devilish script of witchcraft and the dark arts she had discovered in one of the various libraries in the churches cellar arches. This could change her miserably pale existence, even at the risk of being burned at the stake for practicing such forbidden crafts.

What was there to lose except for a life she herself could never find pleasurable in any shape or form? And taking that gamble tonight seemed perfect, her only witness being the moon shining through the window of her tiny chamber, and the demons she wished to call upon.

Laying the crimson leather of the books cover on the dusty floor on which she stood, the page opened to the chapter dedicated to selling one's soul; bonding it to the hellish creatures sie was taught to avoid all her short life. The malicious whispers echoing in the maidens mind grew louder as the girl sank to her knees, inscribing the floor with a pentagram, using a small piece of flour white chalk she had taken from the priests desk, that in itself being a sin.

The simple forms and lines she placed down with a steady hand were slowly coming together as the one depicted on the aged pages in the unholy book she had in front of her.

Once done, she reached under the wooden frame of her pathetic excuse of a bed, pulling out the candles, matches and the creature she had prepared to be the blood sacrifice to complete this morbid spell. A small creature, one she had found in the cellars depths, a young rat that had unawarely ran into her trap. Once she had placed the candles in their intended position, the gentle glow of the flickering flames gave her some mild comfort.

Grabbing the frail creature she had locked in a cage, the rodent squealed at the harsh grip around it's fragile body. A few short prayers escape her lips as her other hand drives a short kitchen knife into the screeching creatures side, the small amount of blood it contained dripping onto the carefully drawn symbol, as the animal did its last breaths and spastically twitched, before passing in the moonlights shine. The deed was almost done, she had come to far to stop now.

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