Chapter Three

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I felt something beneath me, humming, I was sitting, buckled in tightly. Not that could move either way, I attempted to open my eyes but they were held closed by the heavy weights that seemed to be glued tight to them. My body wouldn’t budge, it was like I was paralyzed and could do nothing but be self aware of what is around me. I’m pretty sure I was in a car. A firm hand gripping my thigh, I attempted to jerk away but I couldn’t, I was just frozen, stuck in a state of fear.
Until once more my world went black, and I soon awoke in another area.

My backside was in pain, like I had been in an unusual position for a while, my bones ached and my neck was sore, my throat was dry and I doubt I could talk if I even tried.

By now I was moved into a semi-comfortable bed, I was propped up on pillows, and from what I could feel I was being poked and pricked with needles, hearing the many voices around me. What they were saying was deep and like I was hearing from a tunnel- I couldn't make out words but I could however make out worried sounds. Why were they worried?

So here I was, lying on my back with no hope of actual silence. The constant beeping of machines filling my ears, causing my head to pound more than it had been for hours. I could occasionally hear voices, soft, soothing, feminine voices coming through what I assumed to be a door, talking to me. Questioning Me. Begging me.
I could move, yes, however I couldn't even comprehend what these people were saying, and if I wanted I believe I could open my eyes by now, but something... Something held me back from opening my eyes. I had this burning sensation in the pit of my stomach nagging me over and over, "Don't open your eyes," and I complied, fearing what I may be told if I actually showed signs of consciousness. I kept my dry eyes sealed tight behind the sealed walls we call eyelids.

By now, I knew where I was, all to well. Even a complete idiot could tell, I was in the hospital. But...why? It couldn't be a car accident, I don't drive, and being beat up possibly? No, I don't have enemies. I was known as the sweetest boy in all of my classes, it could never be that. So why was I here? I wish I knew, but the last thing I could remember was taking a sip of my first alcoholic beverage in my life, my eighteenth birthday, only what I assumed to be a few days ago. And now, I'm here.


That was it... My first alcohilic beverage in my entire life, could it have been an allergic reaction? Possibly just the fact- I couldn't handle it? Yeah, I now doubt it was anything more than that, why was I so worried before?

I felt something lift from my chest, the horrendous stress releasing like air from a balloon, my eyes now began to flutter open, the sound of the room tuning in such as an old timey TV as the antenna was wiggled.

But as my eyes came into focus all I could see was the familiar face from my party, the driver.

"Finally awake I see."

Came his hot, deep voice. It was a little husky, as I'm pretty sure he had accidentally fallen asleep in the chair nearly moments before. I was confused, however, on why this man was here. Yes, we shared the warmth of a kiss, butt it meant nothing to either of us, a kiss is just a kiss.

"Can you not speak?"

Came his soothing tone as he stood, his overcoat was off, leaving his black suspenders and white undershirt, also a buttonup. they were tight against his body, showing off his well built self.
"Yes- I can... I just-..."
Clearing my throat, I attempted to swallow.  Dry, scratchy, it pained me to even breath.
He took the small glass on the side of my bed, using a pitcher to fill it with water, handing it over slowly I went to reach for it-

And he pulled it away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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