Chapter Two

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The driver stepped out from his own side of the car, making his way over to me as he opened my door and allowed me to step out as well, taking notice I saw my driver had fixed up his once loosened buttons to be perfect, also adding dark black sunglasses to match the look. He no longer seemed as relaxed as he was when his lips were against mine, this was a more- professional look- I guess? But what did I know. It's not like I really knew him, he was just...some driver who was probably paid to kiss me anyways.

A girl dressed in a beautiful white dress exited the home, she had her hair fluffed, despite the fact that me, being her best friend, always teased her about her "ramen noodle hair."

"Hey fag," she mused as she twirled in her dress, she was wearing no shoes, as always of course

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"Hey fag," she mused as she twirled in her dress, she was wearing no shoes, as always of course. I replied, "Hey hetero," chuckling as the beautiful girl latched onto me, tan arms around my neck as she gently pressed a kiss against the skin of my neck. "Happy birthday," she purred into my ear, I could already tell she was waisted. But thats alright, she usually was when we meet up anyways!

I could hear the sound of music booming throughout the large houshold, I could see colored lights flashing through each and every delicate window, smell the tasty aroma of food flowing through the doorway as the door was opened yet again, by the driver. Who had walked around us as we were having our moment, and tried to rush us along by opening the door and motioning for us to go in.
As we walked by Harmony slipped money into the drivers hands, I only assumed it was the pay for the kiss and/or driving me here. I walked by I could feel a strong hand brush against my lower back area, sliding down, and gently laying against my butt as I walked through the door, once through the doorway the hand was removed, before anyone could see. Leaving my face a bright pink, and the wonder if- maybe this was through his own doing, and not being bribed by cash.

However that was the last time I seen him for a few hours that night, I was going to enjoy my birthday and forget about the sexy man who stole my first kiss.

Phase One

This was the meet-and-great part of the evening. The room was full of lovely decor, meaning, dim lights to set the mood as men wearing only tight pants and suspenders squeezed through every opening between people to serve shots of alcohol and small finger foods to the guests.

Speaking of guests-...

"Harmony! I said don't overdo yourself- there has to be atleast...three hundred people here- that's like half of our school!" I laughed as she guided me by my arm throughout the crowd of people, some were drinking their first drinks and just chatting, others were on what must have been their third or fourth, making out in every crevice of the house. "Oh, sweetie," she rolled her eyes as we finally escaped the bee swarm of teenagers and were in the room with a beautiful cake and many more snacks that couldn't be served by hot men that lacked clothing. "You should have expected more than what you were, you usually have shitty birthday parties I'M always dragged along too," she smirked as she released my wrist and winked to a male who I noticed- had been checking her out since we walked inside the party- "That finally when your best friend, the whore of this cute little town - would throw you an unforgettable one~" she purred as she motioned me to follow her over to that same male and his group of friends. I noticed them from school, Juniors and Sophmores from what I could gather, "This is Tony, he's my..." She thought for a moment and looked him up and down, "Really good friend." As those words slipped from her lips I could tell his mood fell, he even looked away. "If you need anything just fine one of these douchbags and they'll help you out, they helped me plan it all, but for now, go play around and eat a little before the party games begin~" chuckled Harmony as she motioned me off, pulling Tony off to who knows where.

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