chapter 3

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She sobbed and sobbed in his arms feeling the world ceased to exist but in his hug and that moment as he hugged her back and let all her tears lie on his chest. He don't understand what happened to the poor girl or why she wet his chest with her tears and why all the tears and how much pain she suffered and most of all, why god put her in his way?

Shivaay: Anika!! Anika, are you all right? Now please stop crying. Please! What happened? I am sorry I know you don't know me but you can trust me, if you want

Anika stopped crying and nodded slowly sitting on the sand and he set beside her.and gave her a tissue from his pant pocket and she took it from him and wiped her tears then she smiled to him faintly and he couldn't help but smile to her back but seeing another tear trickled from her eye that she didn't notice. he wiped it with his hand and she looked at him for a moment and wondered if he knows that he is the first hand that wiped her tears from years

Shivaay: now can you tell me what happened to you after you left here?

Anika looked at him for a moment not knowing if she should talk with that stranger about that or not but then she though that this stranger maybe the only one she really trust now, the only one who showed kindness

Anika: I went straight to home but Bhabhi and bhai misunderstood what happened When they saw me like that and Surya ...well he chose to leave me than to stand by my side....that what happened and that what caused those bruising if that was your question

Shivaay: Surya is your fiance right? That is why you tried to kill yourself ? You love him that much?

Anika shake her head and said in disgusted :NOO... I really hate him , i do not think i ever loved him

He couldn't help but feel a fast beating in his heart although he feel bad for her but he felt a relief when she said she hates him but his eyes noticed her hand and found her still wearing the ring ! And the relief vanished and he couldn't help but say a bit annoyed

Shivaay: why you still wearing his ring then ?

Anika looked at her fingers in disgust and took off the ring and throw it to the ocean and Shivaay couldn't help but smile widely but his smile vanished when Anika looked at him confused , then she chose to ignore his smile and he did the same not because its embarrassing but also because he really don't understand why this smile appeared on his lips

Shivaay: I am sorry for what happened with you (then he shake his head and said) no no wait why did they do all this with you? Why your fiance left you and your brother beat you, what did you do? It wasn't your fault. I don't understand.

Anika sadly smiled and said: would you believe me if I say that I too don't understand why they did all this with me? You are the first one who said it's not my fault.

Shivaay sadly smiled to her as she smiled to him and he said.

Shivaay: so that is why you wanted to kill yourself ?

Anika shake her head and said : I never though before of killing myself , I can handle pain belief me ..but what I couldn't handle was to be forced to marry him

Shivaay: who?

Anika: him.

(and she pointed to where veer was standing the night before)

Shivaay's eyes widen hearing her: you mean Veer?

Anika: yes , him engagement is tomorrow

Shivaay shake his head and said: No, you can't marry him ,I know him, he only wants you for .....

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