♡chapter 22♡

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Lanas pov.

I got in my dress and put my necklace on and had Marina do my hair And by the time I finished my makeup it was 5:30 I quickly said goodbye to Marina and Ran outside to The taxi that was waiting for me.

I told the driver the directions and got there about 10 minutes late. I ran inside and found Charli sitting down. And on her phone.

"Hello" I say as I sit down. "Hey" she says calmly.

Charlis pov.

"Hello" she says softly. I've never talked to her before but I can tell she's a genuine person.  "Hey" I say in my chill voice. I hear in my head Ellie's voice.  "Don't mess it up this time." I ask her what she wants to eat and says the steak salad. "Really?  I was going to order the same thing!" we have a awkward laugh and order our meals. I ask for some drinks to start Lana off. I feel bad for doing this but I don't really don't want to deal with Ellies mean side.

I really hate confrontation. I still don't know which will be worse. The raff of Marina or the the raff of Ellie, I didn't know which was worse but I didn't want to find out.

"So Lana wanna get drinks somewhere after dinner?" she smiled. "Hell yes u do! Matter of fact why don't we go now" I laughed at her she was so sweet and naive but there was something about her that made her badass.

We walked outside avoiding Paparazzi and climes into my car. I sped up to the nearest Bar by Ellies house. We walked in and looked totally out of place two girls in dresses that look like they should be walking down a red carpet are in a old ratty bar. We ignored the stares of many of the people. I looked at them all and gave them the bird. "Ha. Ignore them Lana there all a bunch of drunks."

We make our way to a table in the back and order our drinks. "I'll have some rum off the rocks" Lana said. "I'll will have some sprite and vodka." Lana smiled  "Wow didn't know you were so bland" she teased I looked back at her "Wow didn't know you were so tough"  She quickly scanned the room whilst I slipped in 2 pills ellie gave me. We made little small talk and I  slowly drank my sprite vodka mix while she had several shots that were sent over to us from some old horny dudes. "Don't you want some?" she asked surprised. "I'm good I'm driving Rember?"

She laughed and I looked at the time. "Oh wow its late c'mon I will take you home" She smiled and got up from her chair trying not to fall, she was clearly drunk.

As we walked to my car I was holding lana as she was trying to walk but every time I was close to letting go she would trip. I put her in the back of my silver suv. and avoided the paps.

Marinas pov.

A couple hours after Elizabeth went out I decided I would check my twitter since I was literally on tumblr for about 3 hours. Wow I have a life.

As I went down my dash on twitter I saw pictures of Liz with Charli. What? Why is Charli with her. I see more pics of charli putting Lizzy in the back of her car. I notice the bar there at and it's the one by Ellies house. This can't be good. Is Ellie back from her trip to London. Oh god. I quickly run to grab my keys and head over to Ellies.

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