♡chapter 17♡

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Marinas pov.

I wait outside the apartment in my car waiting for Charli to meet me so I can go in with her and not alone. I'm to scared to go in the apartment alone and have to face Elizabeth by myself. I see Charli walking up to my car waving.

"Hey M, you nervous" she says in her beautiful accent.

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks for meeting me here I just couldn't do it alone. Let's go in to see Elizabeth I can't take waiting" we walk in and as I stand in front of her door my nerves get the best of me."Charli I don't think I can do this.."

Charli looks me in the eye "M you can do this and I'm here if you need me"

I knock on the door and wait for Elizabeth to open it.

Lanas pov.

There's a knock on the door and I get up to see who it is. I look through the peephole and see Marina standing there looking anxious. I quickly fix my hair in a mirror and slowly open the door. "Hello Marina" I say as we make eye contact. She pushes past me and into the bedroom I close the door and follow her. "Marina why are you here?"

"To get my stuff Elizabeth" Every syllable she pronounced in my name makes me want to run up to her and kiss her. "We should talk Marina"

A small laugh comes out of her mouth followed by her venomous words attacking me. "Talk? What's there to talk about other than how you stole my best friends boyfriend because you were jealous of her and how you cheated on me with you ex. There's nothing to talk about Elizabeth."

"You don't even know what happened between me and Ellie and I didn't cheat on you! I just went out to coffee with Barrie and that was it he tried to make a move on me but then I left right after that. I have never lied to you about anything why would you think I would lie to you now. I love you! I fucking love you do much I would never do that to you!"

She looks at me in awe. She puts her bag down on the floor. "Let's talk."

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