♡chapter 13♡

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Lanas pov.

As I open my eyes expecting to see marina I see pillows. Huh that's weird I wonder where she is. I turn over to grab my and to my surprise see $200 and a not from marina.

I read the note. So she's at the studio and will be back at 7 I check the time to see its only 9 am I guess I woke up early today. I decided not to go shopping and just find an outfit I already owned.

I checked my phone for multiple messages from fans and one Message from Barrie.
Hey doll face, I'm picking you up at 12 to get lunch be ready. I knew I should have moved out when I came back from California. I know Barrie doesn't take no for an answer do I got dressed and texted him fine.

Marinas pov.

I reach Ellies house and her car is parked next to Calvins motorcycle. Ew I hope that creep isn't here. I walk out of my car and walk up the steps and knock on the door once. 4 seconds later the door opens to Ellie who pulls me into a hug. I stand still as she hugs me not wanting her to think we were cool again. "Marina please come in" she begs I step in and walk to her couch. "Listen M, I'm sorry I was rude and mean about Lana I just..." she took a deep breath as she sat across from me. "We have a history" she said emphasizing the word history. I stare at her with a blank expression "OK I'm not sure if you want know what happened but if you don't please stop me now." I just kept my expression the same. "Here it goes..."

Lanas pov.

Barrie came and picked me up. I was quite nervous because nobody knew but when I used to date him he would hurt me and tell me I deserved it and it would make me better, but now I know it was bad. Being alone with him scared me so I brought my phone with me just in case I needed to get out of there. I probably should tell marina I'm with him but what if she gets mad?

"Hey doll,  lets go to a cafe around the corner" Barrie said as I pulled out a cigarette and a lighter from the glove compartment of his car. "Ok Barrie" I said after blowing out smoke. I looked at Barrie and noticed different things about him. Like how he has circles under his eyes which makes it look like he hasn't been sleeping lately and his arm had needle marks across them showing he has probably been doing cocaine lately and his hair was about 3 inches longer than when we were in California. I wondered about him but once I met Marina I stoped.

We got seated at our table and I ordered a coffee just black while Barrie Ordered his with cream and sugar. "So why did you want to talk Barrie" I asked rather bluntly. He put his coffee down and looked me in the eyes. "Lana I miss you. I know you miss me too and I want you and I always get what I want taken a back by this I quickly told him "Barrie I don't want you. I never will you cheated on me with my best friend and now once I've met the love of my life you want me back." I quickly stood up and walked out and started walking back to my apartment which was about 5 blocks away.

As I walk not even 3 blocks Barrie in his car whistles at me I ignore him and walk home. As I reach my door I look back at Barrie who now waves me over to him. trying not to loose my temper with him I walk over and bed over the window and tell him "Barrie I am in love. Not with you But with Marina sorry but you messed up by banging Steffani." with that I walked back to the door and opened it. As he drove away he looked angry and I knew this was not the last I would be hearing from him.

Marinas pov.

After ellie finished telling the story of how her and Liz met I understood her ill feelings towards Elizabeth.  How could Liz do that to Ellie. "She really did that?" I asked surprised at the fact that Liz would steal her boyfriend just to get back at Ellie. "Why do you think she would do that Ellie?" I asked nervously "I was told she was jealous of me in high school but other than that I don't know why she would steal my first love from me." she looked down as If trying not to cry which didn't work because tears fell from her eyes. I got up to sit next to her and comfort her. "Shh. it's ok Elle. It will be ok. shhh" I comfort her.

We decided to watch TV and catch up on our social group until I realized the time "Oh shit!" I screamed as I saw the time on my phone it was 9 and I had 7 missed calls from Elizabeth and 15 texts from her. "I uh I have to get back to Liz I promised her a date at 7 and it's 9 now. Fuckin hell!" I got up and said bye to Ellie and ran to my car and sped over to Elizabeths. It's a wonder I didn't get pulled over.

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