#3 First Kiss

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Lincoln Burrows
You sat down on the couch with a wineglass thinking about life. You knew the alcohol couldn't change anything but you still wanted to get drunk and forget about your problems. You heard the doorbell rang. "Come in." You said. It was Lincoln opening the door. "Hey Y/N." He said. You smiled, walked towards him and gave him a huge hug. "How are you?" You asked him. He looked very serious and gave you another hug. "You're in trouble aren't you?" You said worried. He didn't want to admit and poored him self some wine in a wineglass. You pushed him to the couch and there you sat. "You're not the only one who's in trouble." You said with a sarcastic smile. He looked at you and gave you his concerned look. "But atleast we have each other." You said with a smile and pressed your lips against his lips. You were both enjoying the kiss and for a second you forgot the problems you both had.

Michael scofield
Michael and you were working together on a science project in the 6th grade of the highschool. He asked you to visit his house and finish the project together. You didn't doubt for a second and said you would like to come by. You drove to his house and rang the doorbell. Michael opened the door and led you to the living room of the house. He said that you were the only ones in the house because his brother and his mother went visiting his uncle. You grabbed the stuff you needed out of your bag you took with you. After a couple of assignments you got yourselfs a drink and started with the next chapter of the project. It was your turn to read the assignment so you read it. "What kind of force is equal to the force in the picture underneath?" You both came closer to the book and watched the picture carefully. You could hear his breath in your left ear. You wanted to tell Michael the answer and got up your head. You didn't notice that he was still looking at the picture so your head was almost touching his head. He also got his head up and stared at your eyes. You could feel your cheeks getting red. Quickly but thoughtfully he pressed his lips against yours. You slowly closed your eyes and felt his warm hand move to your cheek. This is the best moment of your life, you thought.

Sara Tancredi
"Doctor Y/N we need your help by an emergency!" You heard a colleague screaming in the infirmery. You walked as fast as you can with your cup of coffee towards the infirmary and walked in. Once there you saw Sara laying on a stretcher, eyes closed and her body covered with bruises. "What happened?" You asked worried. "She is beated up by a prisoner." The nurse said. You ran over to the coolcell and got some ice kubes for her back and her head. She didn't move a muscle and still had her eyes closed. You fold her hands in yours and waited for any response. After 2 hours she waked up and looked around nervously. "Where am I?" She asked you. "You're in the infirmary because of an accident, a prisoner beated you up." You said still holding her hands. "Where is the rest of the infirmary team?" She asked you a little bit concerned. "They all left." You said. Sara tried to move but everything in her body was in pain. "But, why are you still here?" She asked you while looking in your eyes.
"I..... I....." she interrupted you with her lips touching yours. You both closed your eyes and liked the moment. "I wanted to do this earlier." She said with a smile. Your lips curved  and you pressed them against her cheek. "Get some rest princess." You said while giving her a goodnight kiss.

Theodore Bagwell

"I'm gonna call the police!" The man behind the pay desk said. You and Theo ran towards the car and stepped in. Theo held a bag with stolen money in his arms and threw it in the back of the car. "Drive... Drive!" You screamed at him. He started the motor of the car and fully pressed the gas pedal with his foot. The car shoot forward and Theo drove up the road. "That feels good, doesn't it?" He asked you. You nodded slowly while still having the nerves inside of your body. "Your first robbery, that's something to celebrate!" He said with a smirk on his face. "So where are we going now?" You asked him. He slowed down the car. "You tell me." He said. You we're thinking about a good place to go until you both saw the motel next to the road. "Stop the car, I think we've found a place to survive the night." You said with a little smirk on your face. He parked the car in front of the front door of the motel and grabbed the money you just had stolen. "Wait a minute." He said while stepping out of the car. He walked through the front door of the motel. A few minutes later he came back with some keys in his hands. "Number 21." He said smiling at you. You stepped out of the car and walked with him towards your room. He opened the door and you walked into the room. You both sat down on the bed and sighed heavely. "That was the best day of my life!" You said. He looked at you and bend his head towards yours. He gave you a little kiss on your cheek. You blushed and pulled him closer to you. You gave him a kiss on his mouth and smirked slightly. "Theo, I don't know what kind of boring life I was going to have if I didn't met you." You said while pressing your lips against his lips.

Fernando Sucre
You both sat down on the couch watching tv. Your head was laying on his belly and his arm was around you. Suddenly he turned the tv off. "Papi, what are you doing?" You said confused. He rubbed his hand over your belly. "You know that I love you right?" He asked with a serious look on his face. You sat up and looked at his eyes. "Ofcourse papi, why are you asking that?" You said worried. "Sometimes... I've got the feeling that you deserve better than me." He Stuttered. You grabbed his hands and held it close to yours. "I love you Fernando and I'm the happiest woman alive." You said convinced. He stared at you and began to smile. He moved his hand toward your face. "I want to spend my whole life with you." He said while pressing a kiss on your mouth. "I'll always be there for you!" He said while pressing another kiss on your mouth. You both cuddled a long time until you fell asleep.

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