Come Back... Be Here *Part One of Chapter 53*

Start from the beginning

I arrived at the studio, only to remember that I had to walk through the rain, again. It was only water, but when you already looked like a drowned cat, it wasn't very enjoyable. That's when I remembered that I was on the tour bus, with all of my clothes and with warm and dry towels. I casually picked out some grey leggings and a nice floral shirt, nothing too fancy, nothing I wouldn't be embarrassed about being photographed in. I took my sopping wet hair that was creating darker spots on my shirt, and began roughly sliding a towel through it. It obviously didn't look the best but that didn't really matter. After it was somewhat drier, I braided it back in a normal braid. It was lose and sloppy but I didn't really care, this wasn't fashion week.

I saw the door to the building and judged the distance, if I wore my Toms I would slide and skid from the very minimal traction on the bottom. If I wore my Nikes, I could easily run in but they would soak up as much water as possible, and if I wore my Vans I would have traction and somewhat water soaking up. That wasn't correct grammar a voice told me in my head. Shut up, I said back to myself. With the tutor on the bus I've discovered that I've taken a large liking to science and history. Very odd, but it was true. I was still majorly more interested in music and photography though.

Sighing, I slipped on the Vans and grabbed and umbrella. I opened the door and cautiously stuck out the umbrella, immediately rain splashed up against my savior to getting soaked. I pushed the lock button down and slid the object up and as soon as you could say ketchup is back, the umbrella was opened up. I brought it over my head and began to walk to the doors; the rain was about an inch deep on the ground, immediately the shoes were drenched. I looked down somewhat disgusted but not enough to care.

The walk from the bus was short, but long enough to give you a good chill to raise Goosebumps on your arms. I finally reached the doors, one that I once smacked Louis in the face with. I giggled at the memory, but then I was sad again because I realized that nothing was going to be that simple again. It was all so condensed now; it just felt like a giant wall, a concrete wall, was built between us. You couldn't go around it or go over it, every second it was getting higher, longer, and thicker. It was needless to say very annoying and very difficult to control. Some days the wall would be thinner, others it was lower, but it never go shorter.

I sighed again and opened the door to the physical studio, but not the recording booth. I had the songs to work on in a binder that was underneath my arm, the only one I didn't have was Nightingale because I was working with a songwriter, Ed Sheeran actually who was helping me write it. He and I haven't had much physical interaction, but he wasn't one who saw the outside of everyone like majority of people. He saw deeper than the layers of skin, he could identify what was going on just by looking at someone's eyes. That's what I liked about him, and, he was one of the male artists out there who didn't just only sing about banging girls and getting high.

I didn't really hear what the producer said aside from getting out of it that Nightingale was finished. Also, All Too Well was done. This entire recording session was going to be filled with deep and meaningful songs with huge notes. I wasn't afraid to belt them out. I've been compared to Demi Lovato, Christina Aguilera, also, somehow in the same category as Lana Del Ray, all being an amazing honor. A hand suddenly came down on my shoulder; I could feel my heart skip a beat as the hand skimmed from my shoulder to my waistline, it almost tickled. I immediately knew it was Jacob from his woodsy smell, I could sense him smirk as he knew he scared me once again.

"Hi babe, jumpy today isn't we?" He murmured, his voice bringing my heart rate speeding back up. He didn't even know the effect he had on me, which was a good thing because he would use that to his advantage. I sighed and fell back into his chest, I didn't know why I felt so off today, but it felt like ever since I got to the studio that I was going to throw up. It felt as if I wasn't going to see any of this again, which was stupid because I wasn't. Tonight was the night that I was finishing up my album and then starting the promotion for it. It was all quite stupid anyway, I wanted to release the album and just release it. Not do any promotion parties or signings, or even a release party. But no, Beyoncé had to do it just this past winter so I couldn't do that without, of course, looking like I was copying the 'queen'.

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