The Past Returning

Start from the beginning

"Mattie, I'm already in the car. Where are you, baby? Where's Mykel?"

"I'm not sure. I'm in an alley. I ran out of the shop. I'm pretty sure he chased after me but I lost him...I think I ran six blocks east of his shop." Carefully, so as to not be detected if Mykel was still close by searching for me, walked to the end of the alley to view my surroundings. Mykel called again. "I'm in the alley directly across from the Burger King. Mykel keeps calling me."

"Alright, my love. Give me twenty minutes, okay, I'll be there. I'm getting on the freeway now. Did you and Mykel get into a fight or something?"

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "No. It isn't him at all. I'll explain when you pick me up. Please hurry, Liz."

"I'm coming, baby. I'm almost there. Mattie, hold on, love, Mykel is calling me. Don't hang up."

Ten minutes later she pulled into the Burger King parking lot, got out, and when it was clear half ran across the street. She found me shortly beyond the entrance of the alley, bent at the knees, my feet supporting my ass, my hands supporting my head. "Mattie."
My head snapped up, my eyes red and cheeks puffy, and I was in her arms. She held me there as we stood in the alleyway, slowly rocking me back and forth. "Come on, baby." She kissed the side of my head and took a deep breath. "Let's go home."

She attempted to let me go in order to walk back to the car, but I held her fast, my arms anchored around her center. "Is Mykel going to be there?" The very thought of seeing Mykel after this episode shook me. I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms, but I couldn't get the look that was on his face when last I saw him from my head. Right then I was certain I couldn't face him.

She kissed my temple. "No, baby. He couldn't leave more than he did to chase after you. He's booked with appointments. He's exceedingly worried about you. He called me panicking and damn near in tears. He's very worried about you." I nodded feeling my throat close up. "Ready to go back to the car?" I nodded and disengaged myself from her, my eyes cast to the dirty concrete, hands shoved in my pockets, shoulders brought up to my neck. Liz linked her arm through mine, not trying to get me to speak, to which I greatly appreciated. My mind had been reeling since first I laid eyes upon the sister I hadn't seen in nearly nine years.

We drove home in silence. I gripped Liz's hand hard in mine and she matched my grip equally. I noticed throughout the drive Liz sneak glances in my direction, though I didn't comment on them. Nor did I even look up. I tried my best to keep my mind from going to every single bad place it carried all at once, to keep the screaming, my screaming, the screaming of a child, of two children, from completely overtaking my thoughts. My phone buzzed in my pocket once more. I squeezed my eyes closed against the next onslaught of emotions, namely guilt, as I ignored Mykel once again. He'd given up on calling and was intermittently texting me.

Liz squeezed my hand slightly causing me to finally look at her. "Mattie, my love, you should at least text him back and let him know you're with me and that you're safe. He deserves some kind of answer from you, love, he's worried out of his mind." Her tone was a gentle chiding and I knew she was right. I opened his texts. There were at least fifteen texts of a frantic nature, begging me to please answer him.

Hi. I'm sorry. I'm with Liz now. She came and picked me up. Please don't be mad at me.

His text came through almost immediately: I'm not mad at you, mon bonheur. There's nothing to forgive, baby, I just wanted to know you were okay, or at least safe. Listen, I canceled the last half of my appointments...I can't concentrate right now. I've already got Lilly rescheduling everything. I've got one more because they're already here and I'm coming home okay. If you need Liz instead of me right now, I understand, but I wanna be home with you in case you do need me. Is that okay?

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