The Past Returning

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July Seventh:

Three months Mykel's tattoo parlor has been opened now and to say it's booming is an understatement. Mykel was booked solid for the next two months. It was my day off from the coffee shop and so I accompanied him to work, more excited to be spending the day with him than I probably should have been. At that moment I had never been happier. The smile that adorned my face was ever the brighter each time Mykel stole a glance my way; giving me a small wink or that heartwarming smile. It was fun watching him put his art on people's various body parts. He conversed with each customer, laughing and joking and keeping them as comfortable as he could, while still putting full effort into flawlessly creating each and every piece.

As the last happy customer left with a smile, she checked out the new piece on her forearm. Mykel looked to Lilly, the girl he hired to keep his appointments. She was in her early twenties, one full and one-half sleeve on her arms, with various piercings in her eyebrows, nose, ears, lips, and if her tight apparel told me anything at all, her nipples. "Lil, when's my next appointment?"

Without looking at the books and with a smile that got her absolutely nowhere, she replied, "At 3:45."

Mykel glanced at the wall clock. "Great." He looked at me. "Lunch?"

I nodded and smiled. "Sounds great. It's hard work watching you work."

Mykel laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure it's exhausting."

I smiled at Lilly who returned it with a small wave. I liked Lilly. She was a sweet girl and our conversations quickly led us to being friends. Mykel and I walked down a few blocks to a cozy, little diner called Mel's. We ate while happily conversing about our weekend plans. Things were still up in the air considering we weren't certain if Liz would be joining us. Aside from work, I hadn't seen much of her the last two weeks and I missed her terribly. We returned to the shop at a quarter after three. As we walked in we were both laughing, but my laughter died in an instant as I saw who Mykel's next appointment was. I stood frozen, half behind Mykel. She hadn't yet noticed my standing there, as she had glanced at Lilly as she announced that Mykel was back from lunch. She stood with a smile. She looked much like I remembered, only now she had a healthy shade to her skin, and no bruises marred her. "Hi. I know I'm early so if you--" This is the point where she saw me, her eyes shifting downward. The healthy pallor paled and her eyes widened. Eyes that matched mine watered as she said my name. "Mattie bear?"

The nickname brought me back to now and anger filled me. A deep seething rage I had not experienced previous to that moment. "You don't get to call me that anymore. That died when you left me in that fucking closet." I remember tears slipping down my cheeks but I paid no mind, and turned on my heels and ran. I heard Mykel call after me, I heard him follow me, but this time he didn't catch me, and there was no pond to halt my efforts.

When I was sure I had lost him as I ducked into an alleyway, I pulled out my phone. Mykel's name flashed on my screen and I ignored it. Waited. And made a phone call.

Liz answered on the third ring. By the way she sounded, I knew she was in the back room. She sounded tired from the busy day I knew she was immersed in. "Liz?"

There was a pause before, "Mattie? Baby, what's wrong? Where are you?"

The worry in her voice snagged my voice from my throat. "Not far from Mykel's shop. Liz, can you come get me? Please, Liz? I really need you to just come get me. And I'm sorry, I know the cafe is busy." Mykel was calling again, his name flashing across the screen. I could feel his panic holding my phone. "But please, Liz." I was trying my best to keep calm and under control and so far I hadn't broken, but I knew I was close.

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