"Kakashi Hatake." Kakashi said bored.

"I heard that the magical community in Japan is better organized than ours, they don't allow mudbloods to attend school, something we should have done long ago." Draco said crudely, glaring at Hermione in the process.

"It's to bad that you have to be hosted by Gryffindor, and be subject to association with this sorry lot. A half-blood, blood traitor and mudblood. If you were with Slytherin, you would have received the honor you deserve, being a champion and all."

"Shut up Malfoy!" Ron said angrily.

"And what are you going to do about it weasle-bee." Malfoy said.

Ron started forward, but was held back by the arm by Kakashi. "Leave him alone, he's not worth it. Not yet anyway." Kakashi said, Ron looked back and forth between Kakashi and Malfoy and knew that he was right.

"Whatever." Ron said sourly.

For the rest of class, they had to figure out what kind of food Blast Ended Skrewts ate. Harry thought they were the most horrible crearures, everyone had burns from the blast end. And no one was able to get very far in feeding them. Kakashi seemed to be the one with the fewest burns, however he also didn't seem to be enjoying himself either.

After lunch, they headed to Divinations. Kakashi didn't quite understand why Harry and Ron disliked the teacher so much, the Patille twins absolutely loved her. Once they were near the trapdoor that led up to the classroom, Kakashi was almost knocked down by the harsh sent of insence. He slammed into the stone wall covering his nose with his hands, his eyes began watering. Harry looked over worried.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked.

"The smell is really strong." Kakashi said in a low whisper. He thought that the Leaky Cauldron was bad, but this was the worst reaction to scent he had ever had (Besides blood). Kakashi for the first time in his life damned his Hatake nose and slowly made his way away from the wall that was supporting him. He grudgingly climbed the ladder to Divinations, deciding it might be better to just hold his breath. Harry watched him wearily and followed behind.

The three boys decided to sit together at one of the round tables. Kakashi upon seeing the Professor, thought she looked like a giant insect. She seemed to be in some sort of daze when she looked at him.

"Blood... I see blood surrounding you child. Such suffering and death you have caused, and much grief you have endured because of it. I see a spinning eye... red as blood, Son of the White Fang. You are he who has copied over 1,000 jutsu's, and who can see things the naked eye cannot even fathom." She said.

The class was silent as they listened to her. Harry noticed that Kakashi's hands were trembling, and wondered if what she had said was true. If so, he would have to get to the bottom of it.

"Sakumo... your death, will come soon." Professor Trelawney finished. Harry saw Kakashi flinch at the name, and wished that Hermione was here. She would be able to decifer her words and help them understand it.

"I'm sorry, but you see my name is Kakashi." He said trying to falsify her words. She looked at him puzzled.

"The stars do not lie child."

"Of course not." He said trying to humor her, the rest of the class also seemed to not believe her words. Good thing to, because everything she said was true. Kakashi did not know how she knew all of that, he would have to ask Dumbledore tonight.

After Divinations, they decided to head back to the Dormitory, where they met up with Professor McGonagall.

"Kakashi, you look as white as a ghost." She said. Which was true, Professor Trelawney had really shaken him up, and made him remember things he never wanted to see again. McGonagall took in the expressions of the other students and sighed.

"What student this year has Professor Trelawney predicted to die?" She asked knowingly. Harry and Ron looked at Kakashi, answering her question.

"Mr. Hatake, I advise you to not dwell on Sybils words. She has predicted the death of one student every year for the past 16 years. And let me reassure you that none of them had died. She made the same prediction on Harry last year and he is still with us. So cheer up." She said kindly and left.


In Minato Sensei's office

Minato leaned up against his deak, exhausted from the day. He was slightly upset that he hadn't had Kakashi's group for his first day, instead he had gotten a pair of enthusiastic devil twins... Fred and George. They both reminded him of his beloved student Obito, making his heart ache. He hopped that Kakashi had a better day than he had. However, one could never get what they wanted. He felt the chakra radiating off of Kakashi in fumes before he even came through the door.

"Minato Sensei, may I please come in?" Kakashi asked.

"Hai" Minato replied while yawning. Kakashi came in covered in sweat, his hands had cuts on them and he seemed to be slightly limping. Minato knew that he had just come back from an intense training session.

"Let me see your hands Kakashi" Minato said.

"I'm ok"

"That wasn't an option." Minato said sternly. He knew that the only way to get Kakashi to listen was to order him directly. But as much as Minato hated using that power, it was necessary. Kakashi reluctantly showed Minato his hands, there were several large bruises and long, deep gashes. Minato grabbed his first-aid kit and started bandaging the boys hands.

"Tonight is my turn to guard the castle, however; it is still your responsibility to be sure that Potter does not leave Gryffindor Tower. I've heard a lot of crazy stories from the other professors and apparently Harry is a magnet for getting into trouble, along with his two friends Ron and Hermione." Minato said while tying the last bandage. "I will see you tomorrow in class."

With that Kakashi left, feeling greatful for his Sensei. Minato knew that Kakashi had a hard time talking about his feelings, and since becoming ANBU, it had only gotten worse. Minato couldn't comfort Kakashi in the same way he had for Obito and Rin. So he had to result to small gestures, like bandaging a wound or giving the boy a small smile. And as much as he wanted to hug and comfort his depressed student, he knew that Kakashi wasn't ready for that. But he would be there for him when the time came.


And that concludes chapter 4

I hoped you loved it!!!!!

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