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    We pull up to a building some hours later, and by we I mean Sam, Metatron, Donatello, and myself. I've ditched the jokes for the car ride and mostly just ignored everyone. My mind was somewhere else. Specifically on what Dean said to me earlier, before Metatron showed up at the bunker. Chuck seems to think that I have the power to stop Amara if the situation called for it? Yeah, God definitely lost his marbles.

    Anyhoo, while we are rescuing the devil, Dean asked Amara to meet him somewhere, farther away from here to talk, mostly to distract her. She obviously agreed since she's so obsessed with Dean.

Yeah, rescuing Lucifer, it sounds kind of crazy. A few weeks ago, I was sure that Lucifer would no way in hell help us defeat Amara, since the two of them pretty much have the same goal, destroying the planet. But by now, Amara has tortured her nephew a dozen ways from Sunday. Half of me actually thinks he might be up for this. He better be up for this, since we are risking our asses saving him right now.

Donatello led us to this building. He must be smart because he's a freaking college professor, but I'm a little unsure about this place. Donatello has been through a lot in the past twenty four hours, it's not so crazy to think he might just be imagining things.

As we step inside, I am proven wrong as I notice the bloodied and bruised vessel of Cas tried to a railing, body sagging slightly.

"Oh, goody," he says, confirming he's still Lucifer. "Larry, Curly, Moe. Search and rescue? Oh wow." I roll my eyes. Lucifer didn't acknowledge my presence yet, which offends me more than it should. I've caused him a great deal of distress, he could at least notice when I walk into a room?

"I think you're one short," I mumble as I go help him down from the railing. Despite this being the devil, I keep my movements ginger as I pull him down from the railing. I should feel cautious given that this is the devil and he's screwed me over many times before, but I guess the only thing I'm focused on right now is getting him back to the Bunker. Who knows how long Dean will be able to keep Amara occupied?

"It's one of Dad's favorites," Lucifer says, eyeing Donatello. "Your ticket finally got punched, huh? It's wacky, isn't it? One minute, you're... nobody. And then– shazam– you're Joan of Arc. Let's uh, let's hope this ends better than that."

"Will you please shut up and let us help you?" I say through the effort of saving him. He's down off the rail now. I pull one of his arms over my shoulder, surprised I'm able to support his weight.

"Well, it seems fair since I wouldn't be here if these lunatics hadn't set me up to be grabbed by Amara," Lucifer says as he looks at the three other men in the room. I purse my lips, not replying. The truth is, we hardly have time for all of this nonsense.

"You're gonna help us take her down," Sam says firmly. "If you say no, we'll just leave you here in Abu Gharib."

I make a frustrated noise of disapproval. "What?! I just got him down! Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" I don't like the idea of having to put him back up on the railing.

"Say no?" Lucifer repeats through a cough. "You see what she's done to me? Do I look like a fan?!"

"Can we go now?" I whine loudly, reminding me of when I was a little kid going to the mall with my dad. I remember one specific time when we were trying to find something for my mom's birthday. I must have only been five or six at the time. But I hate shopping. Totally hate it. Every five minutes, I would ask dad how much longer we were going to be there.

Turns out, we can't leave with Lucifer yet, because Metatron is chanting something over where we came in. I don't know what it is, my thoughts are moving too quickly to pay attention. What I do know is we have to wait for him to finish chanting before we leave.

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